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Charlotte Flair and Andrade El Idolo get married in Mexico

Started by Liz, May 28, 2022, 02:24:35 PM

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Charlotte Flair and Andrade El Idolo got married yesterday in a ceremony held in Durango, Mexico.
The couple, who began dating in February 2019, got engaged a year later and Flair announced during an interview at WrestleMania weekend that they have a wedding date and would be tying the knot in Mexico.
Charlotte lost the Smackdown Women's title to Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania Backlash and was written out of television with WWE claiming that Rousey broke Flair's arm during her match.
Several colleagues of the two were present for the occasion. A photo posted shows the couple taking a photo with an unmasked Rey Mysterio and his wife and an earlier photo showed Finn Balor as well as Nia Jax. The father of the bride, Ric Flair, was also in attendance decked in a pink suit.


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