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Zack Sabre Jr issues a challenge to Bryan Danielson

Started by Liz, June 13, 2022, 07:43:42 AM

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Zack Sabre Jr challenged Bryan Danielson to a match at the upcoming Forbidden Door pay-per-view.
The 34-year-old British star called out the former WWE champion following his match at the Dominion show in Osaka. ZSJ was invovled in a six-man tag match and was on the losing side.
In a backstage segment, ZSJ asked Danielson if he can take some time off from his "busy golfing schedule at the Blackpool Country Club" to find out who the best technical wrestler in the world is.
This has been a dream match between the two for several years although they did wrestle once in the past.
Danielson is currently out injured but is expected back on television this week and should be okay for Forbidden Door.

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