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WWE co-CEOs told not to tamper with AEW talent by AEW legal team

Started by Liz, August 26, 2022, 12:05:09 PM

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A talent meeting was held in Cleveland yesterday prior to the Dynamite television tapings with AEW President Tony Khan addressing everyone.
PWInsider.com reports that during the meeting, Khan said that the company's Chief Legal Officer, Megha Parekh, contacted WWE co-CEOs Stephanie McMahon and Nick Khan to remind them not to tamper with anyone under contract with the promotion.
There was news last week that apparently someone very high up in WWE contacted one of the talent to see if he wants to return to WWE and the talent in question reported the incident to AEW's legal team. Contract tampering is of course strictly forbidden, not to mention very unprofessional.
In a tweet responding to a fan question about Chris Jericho joining Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in a Canadian faction in WWE, Jericho said that some people want it to happen sooner than later and added the hash tag #tampering, suggesting that it might have been himself who was contacted for a return.
Further reports suggested that it was actually more than one individual that WWE hit up since Vince McMahon left, making the situation even worse.

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