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Eric Bischoff on How Big the NWO Would Have Been If Hulk Hogan Wasn’t The Third

Started by Liz, September 16, 2022, 11:36:24 AM

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On the latest edition of 83 Weeks, Eric Bischoff talked about how big the NWO would have gotten if Hulk Hogan wasn't the third man to join the group after Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Bischoff said that Sting would have been the third man in that case, and he thinks the storyline would have still become very popular. Highlights from his comments are below.
"I think it still would have been, if it would have been Sting, I think people would look back at it and go, wow, that was really cool, that was a great story, that was a great angle, because of the way Scott and Kevin came in and the mystery, there hadn't been a mystery in wrestling for a long time at that point," Bischoff said. "I think people were asking the question, who is the third man. That, in and of itself, made it a good angle, or a good storyline, I think, better way to say it, but it certainly wouldn't have had the impact, nothing against Sting, Sting is a phenomenal performer, nothing but respect for him, but Hogan turning heel, nothing, no one could have made a bigger impact in that moment than Hulk Hogan. And that's why we're still talking about it today."

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