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The Great Muta makes surprise appearance on Rampage

Started by Liz, September 25, 2022, 11:31:14 AM

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Japanese wrestling legend The Great Muta made a surprise appearance on Rampage last night, coming to the aid of former rival Sting and Darby Allin.
Muta came out after Sting was handcuffed to a chair and Buddy Matthews was ready to hit him with a baseball bat but the house lights went out and Muta came out to a big ovation. Matthews first moved out of the way thinking that Muta will attack Sting, but Muta had other plans.
Muta took down Matthews then spit green mist in his eyes, who bumped into Julia Hart who was on the apron. Hart took a table bump but missed the majority of it for a hard landing.
Sting then pinned Matthews with the Scorpion Death Drop to end the match. Muta and Sting then shook hands and hugged.
Muta, who is now 59 years old, is on a retirement tour and will have his final match on January 22 in Japan.

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