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"Never Say Never!"

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, March 30, 2023, 05:39:00 PM

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Date Posted:02/02/2009 4:18 PMCopy HTML

Roleplay Title- "Never Say Never!"
OOC- Roleplaying for the show!
TBC- War Results!
ChrisOrton-1.jpg picture by mikejms174


SEF presents "Monday Night Wars" begins showing footage of Chris Orton getting beat down by Viper, Mack and Whitney celebrating on what they did to Chris Orton. The scene a very piss off Chris Orton getting loudest pop reaction by SEF fans started talking into the camera, because he look very intense piss off what he remember last week wanted give Viper, Mack, and Whitney a piece of his mind.

Chris Orton: Last week on "War", I was beat down like dog on the street embrass in front of the world after thinking about it trying come up with word to express how I felt what I saw just few seconds ago. The only thing came to my mind was "Payback is a bitch" watching Viper, Mack and Whitney celebrating beating me down has given me extra boost to prove to them that I am better than them in that ring. You see Viper talks about I am never going to beat him that's funny when people say "Never!" never lives up to their favor, because Viper can talk about I am never going to be in his, Mack, or Whitney level. You see the word "never" isn't a word in my book, because I can beat Viper, Mack and Whitney the way I am going to do that by getting in their face piss them off like no one has done before. Maybe I'll take my anger out of them tonight on "War" taking steel chair or steel pipe with me to bash the hell out of them, because Viper I am coming to beat you doesn't matter how I am coming to beat you. I am going say the one word you mention "never" that is I am never going to forget what I do to you, Mack and Whitney....TONIGHT!!! Go ahead Viper, I dare you to say something that I can't do listen to my words all three of you going to regret you beat me down celebrate over my laying body, because I am going to be celebrating over the fact not only did I shock the world by beating Viper more like shocking everyone that I beat Viper, Mack and Whitney prove to them what I been saying for weeks now. WHO BETTER THAN ME? NOBODY!!!

Chris Orton had a intense look on his face like he was dead serious on winning this match no matter what it takes, because he seeking revenge on Viper, Mack, and Whitney might just get it on "War", as "War" went to a commerical break.
1-2.jpg picture by mikejms174

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