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Time To Break In A Chick (Hardcore Haz)

Started by Da Gangstas, March 30, 2023, 08:28:36 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:16/02/2009 3:15 PMCopy HTML

(Damn, last week sucked man, that Destruction is a brutal fucking team to face. Me and Joe got fucked up and well he's facing the ex interviewer Nick Roland I get to break in some chick, heh, I'd like to break her in alright. Guess Viper already got to that first, but fuck it, I don't mind some sloppy seconds or thirds or fourths or whatever, I'll take that bitch out back and show her why they call me Hardcore! Well fuck, let me down this beer and rip a shoot on that whore. So I slam it down and throw the empty can down in the alley where I stand. I lean aback against the brick building behind me and take a cig out lighting it up, ah yea, nice.)
Hardcore Haz: So Elizabeth Hyde is the name, being a rich bitch snob is your game, flirting and spurting to the top is how ya play. I got no problem with any of it, fuck, do what ya wanna do is what I say and its what I do. I got no problem with you wanna associate with either, Impact X is legendary, though lately they been a bunch a bitches, fuck it, ya do what ya wanna do. Me, I'm a do what I wanna do to you tonight Liz, you gonna get fucked up by the ultimate Sandman fan and that's a goddamn shoot.
(Take another drag from the cig, ah fuck, take another and another, no hurry here.)
Hardcore Haz: Don't really even know what the fuck to say to ya. Not a whole for words of war, just like to go to the ring and bust some fucking heads. Be nice to use my cane, too bad I ain't seen a hardcore match in a while, but oh well. Just gonna have to use my hands to bust ya up, but yo, I ain't saying I'm a win or lose, just saying I'm a bust you the fuck up ya dumb cunt. I'll win if get the chance, but I could care less if I win and that's who you gotta face, someone with no care for winning a match. I would care to get a piece of ass off ya, so what if your some sirty douchebag, I'll tap it anyday.
(I give a wink and take another drag from my cig, I take a couple more.)
Hardcore Haz: I'll tap ya head with my fists and pound ya into oblivion just as easy, so take it for what ya will. If Viper decides to help ya he'll get his ass checked cause I ain't some punk he can toss around and I'll it to ya directly Viper...your not bigger than shit bitch, so I dare you to get involved, I welcome you to run down to the ring and try to cost me the match, c'mon fucker, do it!
(I take the last couple drags from cig and flick the but away.)
Hardcore Haz: Fuck it, see ya all in the ring tonight, I gotta go and get a few beers, ya know, some last minute training for my match, later Lizzy.
(Haz walks out of the alley and turns to his right walking a few steps, then enters some small bar and so the scene just fades to black.)

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