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Distant Dream (Pung Loa)

Started by Taylor Andrews, March 30, 2023, 09:16:05 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:21/02/2009 11:50 PMCopy HTML

(So it is time for the SEF Rumble again, a year as gone by since last years and now everyone is amping up for the opportunity to headline Wrestle X for the World Heavyweight Championship. Everyone is gearing up for the crazy pay per view appropriately titled Total Anarchy. Its a huge match, grand for all to compete in, an opportunity that if wasted means you are one dumb son of a bitch. This a chance to headline the biggest event of the year, a chance everyone dreams of, but only can achieve, well, besides the World Champ that is as he is the rumble winners opponent. Its a dream for everyone, every single person in this business has that dream whether they openly admit it or not, and for some it may seem like a longshot, maybe even a distant dream, but its one that could happen for anyone. That's why the rumble is so great, because even a guy like Joe Dumar or Pung Loa could pull it off, anyone who can survive the chaos!)
(Pung Loa...came to SEF in 2003 working as a jobber, was actually called just that back then. He put over everyone, it was his job, and he did it. He started wrestling young in his homeland of Japan, sixteen years old he was. So he has exerience, his first years in Japan and then hopping right into a big company in the US, that being SEF, as a jobber yes, but working with big names as well. He's small as hell, gives a lot to everyone else, but he's quick and those kicks are lethal. He can kick like a mule only ten times quicker, he's a deadly little...kamikazee maybe, he will sacrifice his body, he has to for how small he is. Pung Loa is a little guy, but he has a great work ethic, he loves wrestling and will continue to do what he loves as long as his body holds out and no matter what status quo he reaches. He wants to headlone Wrestle X, he would love to do that by winning the rumble, but will losing discourage him...hell no!)
(He's going into the rumble to win, to survive, but to also make an impact, make the name of Pung Loa known to all as a man who can hang with the best in the business. Maybe his name is not that big, not the type of name you would expect or want to see a marquee for Wrestle X, but that's the beauty of this business, its more real than any other entertainment out there. You can have a guy like Pung Loa headline a huge event and the fans would love it, but in hollywood or in another sport, no, you have to have the right look, the right name. Wrestling is something special, unique, its not for everyone, whether your a wrestler or a fan, it is in its own world, its own class!)
(The wrestlers are just the same, all special and unique and tomorrow night thirty of them will all enter a ring and clash in chaos, a riot, in Total Anarchy!)

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