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You Need More Than Your Name (Joe Dumar)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 01:41:30 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:14/03/2009 6:01 PMCopy HTML

(Standing against a brick wall somewhere is Joe Dumar dressed in jeans, an SEF shirt, and a leather jacket. Not really sure where he is, in an arena, what city, just stands in front of a brick wall staring into the camera, arms hang at his sides.)
Joe Dumar: So Monday its another new guy I gotta face and if its anything like last Monday its gonna be hell...for them! Phoenix got cocky with me and thought he would show me up, teach me a lesson, take my moniker I EARNED...well he got his checked cashed and stuffed down his throat. He and I are not over though and Logan Dudley, I got no problem doing the same thing to you. Don't worry either, you will have my complete focus in the ring, so don't go thinking I'll be distracted. I have nothing, but you in my vision for WAR, welcoming you properly unlike that waste of space Chase Jackson you faced. He was not SEF material, he was some new punk with no idea about this business. Monday you face a man with a hundred percent passion to be a wrestler, I absoutely love wrestling, watching it and competing in it.
(He pauses for a few seconds.)
Joe Dumar: For a guy who doesn't like his "father" you sure have no problem using his last name. I ain't doubt your family tree or anything, just making a point. Why use his namesake if ya dislike the man so much? Want to use his fame to further yoru own career? Again, that is not really a problem I see as there are many generational stars in the business, but in your case it just doesn't seem right. Ya trash the guy, but call yourself a Dudley, heh, you still got a lot of growing up to do kid. As for what ya claimed last week when ya supposedly had a hundred stitches going into your match, spare the bullshit lie and tell the goddamn truth about it cause myself and the rest of us in SEF know. Management checked you out before the show, they got the truth and didn't keep it hidden from all us in the locker room, you had a small cut with fifteen stitches in it, so why lie?
(Joe looks confused and kinda pissed at the lie.)
Joe Dumar: This Monday if ya want it I'll give it to ya, I'll cut ya so deep and wide ya need two hundred stitches. Ya really want to feel that pain, then get ready son cause you ain't felt shit yet. You think you been in hardcore places, claiming there's only a few places that are the most hardcore in the world and acting as if SEF ain't one of them. You have a lot to learn, a lot...you have no idea what SEF is all about, you ain't got a fucking clue Logan, not one. Maybe just maybe you just get a hold of you "father" and ask him about SEF cause Bubba knows all too well, he's one of the most respected men to pass through SEF like him or not you have to respect that or you have no place in this company and that son is a shoot!
(Joe is fired up now.)
Joe Dumar: What you have personally with Bubba is just that, personal. When it comes to this business you respect all that come before you including him and if you don't you will get the respect beat it and out of you by all those like myself who actually do respect everyone of their peers and elders. I'm not a man you want to take lightly and if ya don;t believe me go ask Phoenix Winterborn what happens when I am taken lightly! I ain't the best in the business, I ain't untouchable or unbeatable, I'm Just Joe, I will fight with as much passion as anyone else and I'll always hoot straight with you. You got no idea what your in for Logan, not a clue, so welcome to real hardcore...welcome to SEF!
(He raises his arms in a crucifix now and his eyes get real intense and Joe just stands there like that, then the camera slowly fades to black.)

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