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You Don't Know Pain (Xanthus)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 11:10:59 AM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:22/03/2009 1:50 PMCopy HTML

(So that little faggot fucker Orton thinks he gave ME a beating of my lifetime, heh, that stupid sumbitch got no goddamn clue what a beating in my lifetime is, fuck. Guess its time to rip some shit on his pathetic ass and set the record straight. He thinks he knows pain...pain...he got no clue what pain is, what real pain does to the mind and the body, Orton don't know about pain. What its like to be curled up in a ball bleeding and bruising, crying through day and night, wishing for death, wishing you could just go away and cease exist....
...fuck I need another beer. Tossing my empty bottle to the brick wall of the alley shattering it into pieces and I grab another Bud Light from the 12 pack at my feet and twist it open guzzling down some of it. I stare pissed off into the camera and so now its time, fuck you Orton!)
"The reason our last match stole the show was because I beat your ass all over the arena, I was the one who flew off that semi, I dropped your ass off to the cement, I executed the move that put us both in the hospital, I gave you the "lesson" in hardcore wrestling except what I gave you was just a tip Orton. I was out to maim you at any cost to myself like I do any other night of the week. At Wrestle X, ya want a real lesson, you'll get one cause ya think you know hardcore...you know jack shit bitch!"
(I toss down some more beer.)
"Ya wanna wrap barbed wire around your arm like it means your hardcore. You've done that same promo before and it proved nothing to being hardcore. Its just like all the posers who get the tattoo of barbed wire, it means nothing to what real pain is all about. Laying in an alley like this huddled behind a dumpster or inside of it trying to keep warm, feeling the pain from the beatings you took, wanting someone to come along and kill you, wishing you could force yourself to end your own life, but realizing you need to make it somehow and shove it all down those bastards throats. Hey ma, look at me now, I'm bigger than you and here's nothing cause that's exactly what you gave me!"
(I slam down the rest of this beer and throw the bottle at the wall smashing it, then start to breath heavy.)
"You want pain you sack a shit, you want to go through hell with X to the fucking A, ya want me Orton...you can't handle me! I've proved that before and I'll do it again, I don't care how many times I have to prove it to you before it sinks in your head, you can't handle my level of hardcore. You can have the World Title shot, you can have as many shots as you want, I don't really care. No one listens to me when I say that because so many posers out there liekt o say it, but not back it up. Well Orton, I've always backed it up, I don't care, win or lose, live or die, I don't care. I'll kill myself to prove I'm more hardcore than you, than anyone, I will fucking kill myself to prove that point, its how much more hardcore I am than you!"
(I grab another beer and kick the empty box away, twist open the beer and slam down some of it.)
"You claim you wanna kill me Orton, but you can't do it, you won't do it, your all talk! I dare you to kill me, double dog, triple dog, I dare ya to kill me, do it ya coward! I ain't afraid to die, I'll stare death down and spit in his face, I'm ready to meet the maker, so c'mon Orton, kill me, if ya got the balls big enough, take another mans life, take my life, c'mon ya sack a shit poser, kill me!"
(I guzzle down some more beer.)
"You best not give two shits about that Ward bitch ya gotta face on WAR cause there is only one war you best be focused on Orton you won't get that win at Wrestle X you NEED! Yea, you need it, but I need shit! I don't need or want to win. I will take it if it comes down to that choice, but I need nothing, got nothing to lose, I'm just out to show you up and win or lose I will do that just like I did two weeks ago on WAR, show you what real hardcore is."
(Slamming down the rest of my beer now and I throw that bottle to the wall and it smashes, damn, lot a broken glass, heh, be a good thing to slam Orton on, watch him squirm and wiggle and cry....)
"Well Orton...I'm outta beer and you son, your outta time, your outta luck, Wrestle X is where it all ends for you, where you meet the man you can't be more hardcore than and that's a shoot, so fuck you!"
(I throw up my middle fingers, then rush forward shoving the cameraman down and walk outta the alley while he struggles to get up like Orton in a week from now...fade to black.)

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