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Three Opponents & Still No Challenge (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 05:12:23 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:11/04/2009 11:43 AMCopy HTML

(So now what to do? Xanthus done took his ass out of action for a few weeks, so the boss Dick Martin retires the Tag Titles stripping X and Torres of them, says the titles mean nothing anymore to younger talent...perhaps that is true though, only team SEF had was Torres and X, everyone else only cares for the top title or any singles title. Not a big deal, everyone should shoot for the top, it is mostly a solo sport, though tag team wrestling has always been special, a seperate division and one that everywhere is dying and in SEF probably has already and now is being killed thanks to Dick. For Nick Torres he has some single gold, the International Title and no challenge to it yet, but this Monday he has a slight challenge in a handicapped match although neither one of his three opponents pose any threat on their own. The fact that it is three against one is the only threat and not a big one, Torres ain't sweating and really, who would? Right now he's kicked back in a locker room on a steel chair in a his street gear, bag at his feet and he just smirks as he leans back on the chair.)
Nick Torres: Phoenix Winterborn, Angle, and Karmen Moore...damn! I tell ya, them three need to just bag it up and roll on outta here, let someone worthy take their spots on the roster and also, leave the chicks out of it. I can just whip Phoenix around a little, then take Angel and Karmen to the back or to the hotel or maybe to a cave cause it seems like one of them or both is into that vampire shit. I'll give the bitches something to suck on alright!
(Torres laughs a little.)
Nick Torres: Ah fuck, what can I say about these chumps except a few jokes cause that's all they are is jokes! Is this the best that can be thrown my way, c'mon Dick Martin, can't ya even make me sweat, challenge me bitch! Your out trying to screw over Whitney and ya give me a free fucking ride, heh. I am complaining too, I mean hell, it may be an easy ride, but I don't want an easy ride, I wanna work my ass like I have for the last seventeen years of my life. Hopefully one of these new punks in SEF step up and make the challenge to me otherwise the champ may have to turn the tables, hell, maybe I'll just go out and challenge Scorpion for that World Title. Never held that one, never held a World Title ever, about damn time too!
(He rubs his chin a little, then lowers his hand.)
Nick Torres: Who knows what I'll do except for me and I ain't revealing no plan, least not until I deliver an impact when doing it! Could be as soon as Monday or maybe it'll wait until Redemption, maybe somewhere in between, hell, maybe I'll go find someone and make the impact tonight!
(He just smirks sly like.)
Nick Torres: Or maybe tonight I'll just go out and toss down some beers, hang with some hotties, and all that good ol' shit. Meh, I don't know, if anyone dares count out the the Westsiders ya damn sure gonna be sorry you ever did it and that's a goddamn promise, so two words for all ya punk ass whores...
(He stands up now and does a crotch chop.)
Nick Torres: KISS THIS!
(Torres smirks and walks off outta view now, a door opening and closing is heard before the view fades away to black.)


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Re:Three Opponents & Still No Challenge (Nick Torres)
Date Posted:12/04/2009 4:07 PMCopy HTML

 The times as come again when Suicide Hank returns to the federations and become the top man in the company. Thats right he as return the king of extreme, the god of extreme, the ruthless wrestler out here. He has signs a contract with SEF Showstoppa's Extreme Federation once again but will he stay and find good challenges who knows right?

We take you outside of SEF arena where a black car pulls up. The unknown man walks out of the car looks around and takes a deep breath

"Good back to be in the Business for real"

He smiles and shuts the door, and heads on to the arena. He looks around SEF and the history of it on the walls.

"I'm about make history here."

He continues on walking down the hall till he Nick Torres on camera talking about no one is a challenge to him and he battling divas. He stops and smiles and speaks once again.

"Well I think I'm going have to prove that wrong and he wants to fight divas are you serious?"

He smiles and walks on down the hall continuing looking around, He stops soon he gets to Nick locker room...

"So Nick you say no one around here is a challenge for you, because it seems you want try fights divas now. Your a lame, yes I am calling you a lame ass motherfucker. Ha you ain't got like me and I really don't give a flying two fucks, that why next week I want challenge. What you going say about that boy!"

Da Gangstas

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Re:Three Opponents & Still No Challenge (Nick Torres)
Date Posted:12/04/2009 9:07 PMCopy HTML

(Torres is standing down the hall watching Hank yell into his locker room, then smirks and walks down next to him and peeks into the room, then says.)

Nick Torres: You tell that fucking bastard how it is, fucking chump that he is, a coward is more like it!

(Hank looks over and sees Torres, the two just stare and Hank doesn't know what to think apparently cause he's not even talking. Torres just smiles and speaks.)

Nick Torres: Why ya so damn hostile dude? So what if I'm facing three chicks...

Suicide Hank: You mean two?!

Nick Torres: Oh yea, Phoenix is a dude huh, well, that's what I hear, I wonder though, he acts girlish, but if he is a chick, damn. That's a Ron Simmons...DAMN...anyways, so what anyways? I was booked against three people, I didn't ask for the goddamn match. Like I said earlier, I would prefer a challenge and if ya want to step to the plate and waltz into SEF and fight a champion I don't care. As longs I'm challenged I say lets do it, I'm game to throwdown son.

Suicide Hank: You won't be after I kick your ass all over the ring on WAR!

Nick Torres: If you say so dude, if you say so. I guess its on then huh, well then I'll see ya in what is it, a week, eight days, whatever, I'll see ya then kid. I gotta go have some fun, later.

(Torres pats Hank on the shoulder, grins and turns walking back down the hall. Hank just nods his head smiling that he has a match with Torres who is outta view now and that's it for now.)


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Re:Three Opponents & Still No Challenge (Nick Torres)
Date Posted:13/04/2009 12:28 PMCopy HTML

 Blah Blah it's what ever, He going call Suicide Hank a kid, the motherfucker is like five years older then him. Fuck that fag, he about to know the real hardcore legend nothing like Mick Foley. Fuck him he's a fucking lame.

Hank walks out of Nick locker room, and heads to his locker room. He sits down looking around watching TV. The camera man comes up to him as he speaks right to Nick who sucks dick...=0

"You have fun with the three on one this week on War cause next week, it won't be that easy as you thing , Phoenix I thought that was a girl my fucking mad show how about I watch SEF these days. He don't like it he can have these..."


"These nuts, and by the way I don't care you can put your title on the line. It really don't matter to me cause I'll take you out anyway and put it on vacant in eight days or what ever when we fight. Matter fact I'm going be at ring side in your match. No fuck it I'm going do the fucking commentator with Nick Miller all night on War fuck what everyone got say damn it."

He pushes the camera out of his face and leaves the locker room punching the door putting a hole in it...

"Oh know!"

Camera man leaves the locker room crying away ='(

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