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It's not fate its a destiy

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 05:48:42 PM

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Date Posted:22/04/2009 8:40 PMCopy HTML


l_961994cd75b7408492e046bacc5ff4b9.jpg picture by SMWE_PHOTOS_798
.::.  So after  every brutal fight between  now bitter  enemies  and one challenge the time has come to finally prove and show why  being  cocky can pay off big time. With dealing with a  injury taking time off is something thsoe would do to maintain a big future. However when your hurt the pain only drives you to a limit of no turning back especially with a  championship  oppertunity on the line. WHile walking around Erie  the whole  reason to be a  wrestler came back to  view in one mans  mind and a reason to be the best  becomes clearer. While resting on the front  deck  to his  house over looking a  field  Logan takes the  time to  really take in the fact  the oppertunity has come to take what hes been working towards and  showing he aint  just a punk kid. And hopefully shut those up who keep dwelling on  a  thing of the past and  stop the lies themselves  before they judge him.::.

Logan: During my time in a  company  people have been  taking notice yet they always  fall back on the same routine of how i lied.  Talk about one way track and frame of mind.  I got  the oppertunity to prove to  the fans the guys in the buisness and mysef that i have what it takes. Ive been  the best young guy in a match against those who  gave a fight but  didnt have what it took now im getting a challenge. You know ive said it before  and ill say it again  people  wanted to know  if when i started if i was gonna be  like my father. I proved i  wasnt like him out of the buisness i sure as hell wasnt gonna be like him when i got involved. I proved for a  kid my age to get as far as i have is a challenge in its own right but a fight to maintain that spot is endless.    I guess yet again though  the  rivalry continues.

He laughs a little before turning  away from the field  facing more to the camera.

Logan:  Joe you seem to think  because of what i said or didnt say  first getting here is a crime. I do what i gotta do and obviously it  started a spark to get you  to  step up against me. This thing has been going on since i got here and quite honestly  its gonna have to end and it will end with you  always on your back like every time you step in the ring with me. Face it Joe your only claim is your gonna try to keep me from being a champion on  sunday night. You cant  determine  my destiny like you can your own in the loser  category of the buisness. I  will  become the international champion if i have to do things  you and Nick cant do. Ive put my body on the line in  one of the most hardcore matches i have ever been in  do you think  the threat of you trying to keep me from  gold is gonna stop me?  One thing your not wanting to admit Joe is the fact you  can not beat me. Youve tried  and the only  time youve come close is when im on my last breath but i always seem to get a second wind and  beat your ass every time. You claim i said  that you said things  about you and i never said what you claim.  You might of thought or took it like i did but i honestly didnt.  So before you say i lie check int he mirror lying eyes always  look back at those guilty.

He glances out at the field again and  then looks at the  floor of the deck.

Logan: It also means to become champion i have to face you to dont i Nick?  Your the one who issued the challenge and yeah i never turn two things  down a dare or a challenge.  Your a  hell of a champion but your not facing some rookie  whos  gonna  hold back i will prove to you like i will everyone else. I dserve that title i deserve to become a champion. My bloodline is championship material and bound and i  will live up to that  destiny. I will not bend and i woll not break  your gonna find out as well i  will fight til my last breath is  gone. The people  will learn to respect me  and you two will also learn to  respect what you  dont know.  To  face fear you must  first understand the darkness within and believe it or not theres a side you  guys ahve never seen  but hopefully you will  when i walk out as the new champion.

He turns again towards the field  as the cameras fade

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