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Fluke (Scorpion)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 05, 2023, 06:05:04 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:30/04/2009 7:34 PMCopy HTML

(Redemption was a night of change in SEF, huge changes for the company as a whole and for the World Heavyweight Championship. Chris Orton finally realized his dream, he finally did the unthinkable, he pulled off the biggest upset of his career, of his life, he took, nop, he stole the title from Scorpion. The former champ has not been in a good mood ever since Sunday night and its doubtful he'll cheer up by Sunday for Extreme, except for maybe kicking Orton's ass in the tag match. The former champ is standing outside a gym in Amarillo, his hometown and SEF's return of Extreme. He stands with his arms crossed surveying his town, then flashes his eyes to the camera showing a scowl.)
"So Chris Orton, you finally did it son, you won the big title, the biggest title in your pathetic career, but Orton, you didn't beat me, you can't beat me, you proved that as its all you proved! You talked about Matt Ward helping me win and well he did come down, you dropped him in an instant and at the same time your skank Taylor tripped me up. We both collected ourselves and was ready to put away the match, but Taylor trips me again and allows you to kick me in the head, then hit me with that incredibily lame CKO and steal a win, steal MY World heavyweight Title!"

(He lets his arms drop, anger pours from his eyes.)
"Your a fluke champion Orton, your whole reign which won't last very long will be pathetic like you! SEF's next pay per view is Reckless Rebellion and that's where you will have your first title defense and against the man who shouldn't have lost, me and Orton, I have a special match in mind, I have a great, grand idea in mind to insure you don't screw me again, to make sure I walk out with MY title!"

(He smirks now, a devious smirk.)
"The match I want is an SEF original, well, sort of. It was created in DOGG, but we all know the history, SEF owns all that. I want a DOGG Fight at Reckless Rebellion. Just you and me Orton in giant cage with a roof with all kinds of weapons hanging inside, whoever scores the most falls after sixty minutes wins and is the real World Heavyweight Champion and Orton, that will be me because you won't have your two bit whore of a distraction helping you win!"

(His smirk is gone, anger fills his eyes again.)
"Accept the match Orton, if you got the balls to do it. I get my rematch no matter what kind of match it is, but I want this and you better want it to because you know deep down inside your soul your victory is tainted. You have to prove yourself, you have to beat me man to man, one on one and until you do you will never be recognized as a World Champion in SEF!"

(He's still angry, but smirks slightly.)
"As for this Sunday on the return of Extreme in my hometown...Chris Orton, you will find out why Redemption was a fluke and myself and Matt Ward are truly the Unstoppable Force! You think teaming with Daddy Mack can save you, that you two can beat the two of us? You and Mack stand no chance! The two people I hate the most in the world I get to face this Sunday, a betting man would be wrong to bet against the Unstoppable Force, to bet against me! Orton can't hold a candle to my greatness, to my legacy and Mack, he's had his spotlight, his candle burnt out a long time ago. He's just a veteran looking for another payoff, running on empty disgracing his legacy!"

(Scorpion hooks his thumbs into his pockets.)
"I am the new face of SEF, I am the goddamn backbone of this company. Orton is a nobody and always will be, Mack is a washed up hasbeen. He had a few years in him and now approaching thirty he is over the hill. Orton and Mack together are just an easy win for the Unstoppable Force of Matt Ward and the real World Champion, the Ultimate Sinner baby, ME!"

(He unhooks his thumbs and brings his right hand up scraping the underside of his chin, then turns walking into the gym. The view zooms out now and then fades to black.)

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