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Unstoppable Is Impossible (MACK & Nick Torres)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 07:29:12 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:17/05/2009 7:02 PMCopy HTML

(The last of the gang remaining in SEF and they team up tonight on Extreme along with World Champ Chris Orton to face the tandem of yet another rip off Ravyn Crow and his partners the so called Unstoppable Force of Scorpion and Matt Ward. Mack and Nick Torres is who teams with Orton in case you've been living under a rock for about ten years and have no clue about SEF. They are best friends, apart of one of the real cliques in this business. Right now they sit in a diner talking, near the back, the usual hangout before a show, just some small diner they find when coming to town.)
Nick Torres: Who woulda thought we'd be teaming with Orton huh bro?
MACK: Its a different story now as opposed to just some months ago going head to head with him, but ain't that how it always goes? When ya stay in a company for so long ya see so many people come and go and as they do ya battle them and team with them. Orton ain't the first and he won't be the last.
Nick Torres: Nah, he won't be. Seen a lot of them come and go too, lot of people like Orton.
MACK: Yea, alot of them, though he could be different, maybe one day like us, he has loyalty to this place, so maybe one day.
Nick Torres: True, he did show up here what, back in '06, if he can stick it out here a few more years maybe he'll go from one of the top to one of the elite. What ya think though, maybe Scorpion too?!
MACK: As much of a dick as he is yea, Scorpion could be on that list too, plus ya know he had the best teacher too!
(They both laugh.)
Nick Torres: Oh, did Whitney teach him or something?!
MACK: Heh, no, but she had the same great teacher, the greatest wrestler on gods green earth that is!
Nick Torres: Oh well hell, I guess I musta tought them both during one of my blackouts or something.
(Mack just shakes his head laughing.)
Nick Torres: Alright, alright, so ya taught the two and got lucky that they turned out good unlike your ass!
MACK: Better than my fucking friends!
Nick Torres: Good thing were not friends then!
MACK: Yea, good thing!
(Mack grabs his water taking a drink.)
Nick Torres: So that aside brother, what ya thinking for tonight?
MACK: Ah ya know man, whatever, same ol' shit, tear it the fuck up! Who we got, Scorpion and his bitch Jeremy Ward, Ra-
Nick Torres: Nah man, its Matt Ward!
MACK: Oh, is there really a difference?
Nick Torres: Beats me!
MACK: Anyways, that chumpstain and Ravyn Crow...heh, ha, what the hell?!
Nick Torres: Yea, guess the kid couldn't figure out which one to rip off huh?
MACK: No shit! Well hey, lets rip off Raven, no, no, lets rip off The Crow, no, hell no, lets rip off both and not live up to either one of them, yea...heh. that's about how his idea for his name came up.
Nick Torres: Well now remember he's a vampire, a king no less, he's been alive for hundreds of years now, he had the name first!
MACK: Oh right, forgot about that...well fuck man, if he's that old he should be no problem to beat, dead men don't fight back!
(They both laugh.)
Nick Torres: Guess the biggest threat is probably Scorpion huh, though Matt is a big dude, I got his ass covered, no sweat bro.
MACK: Yea, but least Matt has potential to be somebody, Ravyn is just gonna be stuck at the bottom as a nobody for the rest of his life with a worthless gimmick. There may be some out there and make ya think, no way, but his, just plain unreal. Can't wait till I get him in the ring and school him real good.
 Nick Torres: That'll be nice to see, glad I got a good seat!
MACK: Glad ya got my back bro. Like Scorpion and Matt we don't need out third man, but unlike them we ain't gonna disrespect him and say not to even show up cause Orton deserves to be out there nad I never said or thought otherwise despite claims I did.
Nick Torres: I know that and I think he's over his kick he had a few months ago. Orton's done good and has a good head on him, but man, I don't know about you since ya been there. I want that belt bad and this is the year I'm stepping up to go for  it whether its him or Scorpion or someone else, hell, if it was you bro, I want to be World Champ and well Scorpion hit on a point he was wrong, I still got time to have my moment.
MACK: Its a shame ya haven't won the big one yet, you more than deserve it and brother, it don't matter who is champ when ya go for it. Orton will realize it if he don't know that everyone wants that belt and he's gonn ahave challenges coming at him right and left. As for me, yea, I been there before a few times and I'm content where I am, got no more prove, well, just to be a good IC Champ due to what Dick pulled pulling it from tv, fucking dickhead.
Nick Torres: That was a fucked up move. Why he did that or so many of the weird things he ever dis really makes ya wonder what goes on in his head. Look what he did to the Tag Titles as well, fucking retired them. Sure, the tag scene ain't been hot in years and in any company despite what the Dudleyz wanna lie about, no reason to get rid of those belts. I been meaning to ask, since Whitney is in charge how come she don't bring them back?
MACK: Never thought about it bro, guess cause it ain't that hot neither of us htought about it, she been busy with SEF and I beenconcentrating on singles, but I'll talk to her, maybe it'd be good to do it.
Nick Torres: Yea, I don't know, X is out and we ain't got much for teams, that brother tandem fizzled right out, so that leaves very little tag teams. With all the tag matches we still have though the titles could be used more and in the main events more meaning a bigger status for them, that's always good.
MACK: Good idea bro, I'll definitely make sure to talk to Whitney, hell, we both outta.
Nick Torres: We could tonight at the show which we outta be getting too, ya think?
MACK: Could, lets grab a quick bite and get outta here.
(Torres nods and they both wave to the waitress who nods to them and in a minute or so comes over to take their order. We now zoom out and leave them be, the scene fading to black.)

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