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You Couldn't Take Over Disney World (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 07:56:41 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:07/06/2009 8:10 PMCopy HTML

Westsiders Edge
You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG!
Arrogant Asshole
(So what we got is some two bit chump spewing his cum infested mouth, claiming he's faced bigger and better people than anyone else, claiming he's a better wrestler, making the same bullshit claims all the others make, all the other rookie pukes. Hank said his piece, spewed his shit, so now lets go to Nick Torres, the actual champ, someone who has actually faced big names known here in SEF. He sits in his loicker room on a steel chair, has on his gear, title laying on his left leg and Torres just leans back all calm with a smirk on his face.)
Nick Torres: So the most hated man from MSN and soon to be Aimoo is here in SEF to actually be somebody, to try and be International Champ rather than just be some jobber fodder like he was two years ago. Hell, your right, you have faced a big name here, one of the biggest in SEF's history, Viper, and las noted before, he owned you. The main event of the pay per view was over in seconds, you made history and you were history! You can think your great all you want, but you haven't done shit here in SEF, so until you have, then you come speak to me...boy!
(Torres chuckles a little and brings his arms up folding them over his chest.)
Nick Torres: MSN's most hated my ass. More like the bitch no one ever cared about. Ya see Hank, you have this dillusion that your someone everybody hates, but the problem is that no one even knows who you are, no one cares about you/ You think I hate you or that Mack hates you, heh, you have no idea kid. I've never heard Mack speak of you, say your name except for earlier when we discussed matches, he spoke your name, but with no hatred, just asking me about my match with you and that's it. As for Chris Orton, I won't speak for him because he and I ain't that close, we don't hang out a lot, were just coworkers, brothers of this business. As for me, like I said, I don't hate ya, but I will hurt ya and I will keep my title. You talk about The Domain or as it once was called, BUD, ya spoke of someone called Leaky, I believe Leakyformat is his full name, but I'm not sure, I only have heard of the name and nothing big, just the name. Nothing special about him I know, just a fellow wrestler. As for me being boring, say what ya will, but if I was boring I wouldn't be the champion, I wouldn't be on pay per view month after month, I wouldn't be targeted by new kids like you.
(He just smirks and lets his arms down, pats his title.)
Nick Torres: No one brought you back by the way. You tell me I hate the truth which is the exact opposite, I welcome truth. You hate the truth boy. You say the board in SEF brought you back...bullshit! You came back to SEF, you wanted a contract, you sent your resume in asking for a job and you got it because SEF turns away no wrestler, they never have. As for me not gfettingf a World Title shot, being a mid carder, yea, I make no bones, I ain't been to the top yet, the only one of my ol' school crew to never do it, not yet I haven't. And yes, I have walked ou tof SEF, alone ot with friends, shit happens, issues come up, politics are played and its happened, it happens all the time in this business, in every company and that's the truth. I may be still mid card as ya say I am, but Hank, your not even mid card, your a rookie here in SEF, the new guy coming in trying to get a rise outta people and getting ignored cause your just some idiot who has no clue what to do in a real company unlike that waste of wrestle space BUD, oh wait, The Domain, heh, what a joke they are.
(He laughs a little.)
Nick Torres: If that's your claim of being great, wrestling there, you have a long way to go cause SEF killed BUD in the ratings years ago, back when the MSN ratings meant something SEF owned BUD, we dominated them. Check your history and you'll find that's true. Just as true as your the one going into this match with everything to prove, you need to win at any cost in order to prove you ccan hang with the best here in SEF. By the way, whoever is World Champ after tonight ain't gonna have to worry about some pukestain rookie bitch like you making threats to their title, they gotta worry about a real threat because I am getting my shot at the big belt after I get done owning your punk ass!
(Torres sneers in disgust and stands up grabbing his title slinging it over his shoulder. He puts his hands on his hips and smirks again.)
Nick Torres: Keep on spewing your shit, making bullshit claims just like your buddy Ravyn, ya see what happened to his worthless ass. This match would be a deathmatch had I caught your challenge in time. I admit it, I didn't keep up on what happened in SEF in the past few days, I been busy making appearances and shit representing SEF as a champion should. I talked to Whitney today about it and she said there is no time to get the stuff we need for a deathmatch, so call it what ya like Hank, go on and say I'm scared, but that'll be your downfall for underestimating me. By the way boy, I never made a big deal out of the number of title reigns I had, hell, i didn't even realize it was five. Is it really or are you just wrong again?
(He chuckles and walks out of the room now, heads down the hall a little ways, then heads into another room and shuts the door, its the office of Whitney Marret and being shut out the camera just fades to black.)
-x- Disclaimer -x -
This layout is a fucking layout that means shit to me and personally, I didn't make it anyways, so take if you want, beat it, abuse it, rape it, sodomize it, trash it, burn it, do whatever ya want to it, take it for your own and claim it as your own like I did, but remember, its the Roleplay that means anything in the post, so yea, take the layout, later.

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