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Its A Cliche, But Payback Is A Bitch (MACK)

Started by Daddy Mack, April 05, 2023, 09:28:04 PM

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Daddy Mack

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Date Posted:05/07/2009 4:28 PMCopy HTML

(Kicked back on the sofa in Whitney's office is where we find Mack, his usual spot and he's shirtless as well, bottle a Guinness in his hand and a redness to his eyes. The usual smirk he has is on his face and Mack takes a swig of beer, then speaks.)
MACK: Hell of a revelation last week by the boss Dick who managed to get his mug on tv for one night, but of course its only that one night. So he was Thor all that time, heh, surprising, but not too much if ya think back to Thor's debut into SEF, the way he was pushed, still, props to ya Dick, ya pulled of...
(He pauses and seems confused, scratches his head.)
MACK: What exactly was it you pulled off again? About the only thing that came from last Sunday night was the beatdown of myself by you, Corez, Xanthus, and Scorpion. You Dick, your out of the picture, off tv until ya don a disguise again, well, that is if Whitney doesn't own SEF after your stunt.
(He just grins and takes a swig of beer.)
MACK: Anyways, Xanthus and Corez, heh, ya two fuckers went out to do your thing, to make tag team wrestling hot again and that was a move I loved seeing. Then ya decided to team with Scorpion, help him do dirty work, but hopefully your ultimate goal is still your first one. You two got other worries tonight, hopefully ya keep out of my match because if you get involved, then it means war. Now Scorpion and myself, were already at war, have been for a while now and I'd like to say maybe I'm on the winning end, but then maybe I ain't. Scorpion hasn't beaten me on the big stage yet, but he's relentless in his pursuit to do just that. Tonight he gets a chance to beat me, but also involved is the only chick on the roster, Taylor Johnson. A friend to my wife and a talented girl, she's a hottie too.
(Mack takes a swig of beer, then holds both arms up and shrugs while smirking.)
MACK: Wells he is, but tonight she's an opponent of mine and Mack don't lay down for anyone even a hottie with a great body. I ain't gonna hold back on her because of gender, anyone at anytime has the potential to beat anyone else, especially in a triple threat match. No lie though, Scorpion and I have the bad blood between us and if we get the ring clear of Taylor, the fight between us will rage on and on until one of us is almost dead. That could lead to one of us being taken out by Taylor, so I'll try to watch out for her, one eye on each, we'll have to see about that. As long as Scorpion don't get the win I don't really mind either. See, he targeted me and so I did what I do, I retaliate. He wants to make a name at my expense, so I am out to make sure he doesn't do that at all. Tonight, If I lose, but keep Scorpion from winning, mission accomplished, but Taylor, if ya think of trying to do what Scorpion tries, making a name off me, well then I'll care just a little bit.
(He takes a swig of his beer emptying the bottle and leans forward setting it on the table.)
MACK: Scorpion, I believe your time is running out, your reaching empty, your going down son and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it!
(Mack reaches over to a mini fridge pulling out another Guinness, pops off the top and takes a drink, then sets it on the table and turns laying back on the sofa. The camera zooms out of the room now leaving Mack alone and fades to black.)

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