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Hank will pwner all...

Started by Hank, April 05, 2023, 09:36:04 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/02/2009 11:20 AM
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Date Posted:11/07/2009 4:10 AMCopy HTML

Last week...

Nick is cut off by "I Try" by The Jacka and the crowd boos loud as Suicide Hank jumps the guard rail and slides in the ring holding a ball bat and a mic.

Suicide Hank: Yea whatever, fuck ya all too!

More booing from the crowd.

Suicide Hank: I came out here right now for another reason than to grace you morons with my greatness, so shut up and listen!

But of course they boo him.

Suicide Hank: MACK...you have been ducking me for too long, you have ignored me enough, you proved your scared of me, that you don't want to go hardcore because I would own you, so lets set it stone to see how big of a coward you are. I am calling you out Mack, me and you at Golden Glory for your Intercontinental Title and for my International Title in a Death match, what do ya say...boy?!

A big ooh from the crowd, boos for Hank, and a Mack chant starts. Hank is laughing as no one comes out and he raises the mic.

Suicide Hank: See, your back there tremble-

He's cut off by "Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row and the crowd cheers so loud you can't hear yourself think. Mack comes out a dancing around and around, drops down on the stage doing the usual pose, then skips down the aisle, high fives some fans and rolls in the ring. He jumps up doing a crotch chop at Hank, then snatches his mic and stands in his face.

MACK: Just for the record son, this is exactly what I was waiting for your ass to do and that's call me out like a man instead of cheap-shot me week after week like ya been doing!

A huge pop for Mack.

MACK: And as for your calling me out to the proposed match at Golden Glory, a Death-match, both our titles hanging above the destruction below, I can only say one thing Hank...its time for you to find who has more hardcore in their little finger than you got in your whole body, so boy, its on!

Mack shoves the mic to Hank's chest and lets go, it drops to the mat and Hank brings the bat up to hit Mack. He steps back just avoiding it, then shoves Hank on his ass against the ropes. Hank rolls from the ring and yells at him, Mack smiling and raising his arms as "Slave To The Grind" by Skid Row hits and the crowd cheers loud. Hank makes his way around and heads to the back, Mack soon does the same.

Nick Miller: Well, well, what a way to kick things off. Mack and Hank at Golden Glory with both the Intercontinental and International Titles on the line in a death-match, that's huge. We still got our show to do tonight, so lets get going with it folks.

This week

The camera rolls in with Suicide Hank standing there looking around. He has a confused look on his face why is he facing a girl. Does the management know Hank will murder the bitch. Any ways Hank shakes his head as he begins to speak..

"Oh great, this week I get to kill a bitch. It's that funny, I mean I'm teaming with uh Xanthus. Yeah, a man who held many titles in SEF. Blah, I held more. But, that not even the point. I'm teaming with him, and that's cool. Chris is the champion right? Well I am about to pinned the champion Sunday night at Extreme. Yes, that is right Chris you better be scare. Not just everyone coming after you for that title, but me coming and taking you out. I see your tag partner is Taylor Johnson. At first I jump up real quick when I heard the name Taylor. I thought I was facing that cunt Taylor Lynn again, but I am not. She's a pussy ass cunt. It don't even matter. Taylor Johnson, Taylor Lynn I'll kill the bitch. I will make sure management will not put me up against a woman again. They will call women abuse on me. I could be in jail, but that is how I am. Taylor and Chris are you ready, because I am seeking blood and so is Xanthus. He is thirsty for the championship belt. I can see it. He'll get the title, and I'll take it from him. Yeah that is right. I will do what ever the fuck I want. That is now starting Sunday. So Mack every time I beat someone ass you better remember that ass beaten of your' is going be worst then you ever had. So I make sense I doubt it, but it's all good. I am done for right now. Peace out bitches."

Hank pushes the camera away as we fade away.

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