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universal6 star tag team

Shut your mouth and learn somethin'

Started by dvon, April 05, 2023, 09:40:30 PM

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Date Posted:12/07/2009 5:17 PMCopy HTML


1.jpg picture by SMWE_PHOTOS_798

With a win over the world champion last week there  was some people  shut up especially on the critics side of the fence as to wether  D-Von could pin the champion and get the job  done. Still like so many they to think  that when it comes to the main  goal chance it will be  thrown  out of turn and  the  shaow of always being a tag team guy will haunt  the  vision  of  being a singles competiter again.  With one week down though another challenge always  seems to  come into view which is always what drives a entertainer with  the passion. The cameras open up in the back insde the cow palace and  D-Von is shown to somewhat of a mixed reaction. He finishes taping his wrist and breaks the tape  looking to the camera finally.

D-Von: So tonight the  wicked never rests so im told. Thats all fine with me because i dont plan on getting any rest in the  time from now 'til  the pay per view.  I aint gonna sit here and  focus on something thats  not even in my hands yet instead im gonna worry about one man and thats you Jordan.  You see i heard what you had to say and straight with you  i think you got alot to learn about who i am  right now.  You talk a big game but you always seems to stop shy at being a threat to  being a star. Focus on your goal son because im not some young rookie whos just starting out and  making a name for myself. I aint some punk  holding a jock strap for steve austin or opening doors for mae young.  You  have a vision of beating me tonight then i suggest you  stay focused. Im not a guy who like not long ago  made people  learn what respect is and was. Im the  new old  guy i was way back when i  faced my brother. You see Jorday im not the  D-Von  whos you young guys role model or someone to look up to in the business anymore.

He starts on his other wrist and  finishes tossing the  empty roll aside again   looking up.

D-Von: You say you've respected me and my brother for a long time. Respect  means nothing to me kid and ill tell you why. Respect only got me  in a middle card with people  doing nothing to prove themselves. Thats why i did  what i had to do to get where i am now. You wanna respect Bubba then you go  respect bubba. I suggest to you that when you  see me for what i am you  throw that respect aside because  i dont want respect  from anyone. It got me nowhere i got myself where i am today. Tlis company was mine and Bubbas   blood shed grounds in allw e were in together  in that time frame. We spilled more blood here than any place we were at  during that time. You think  some punk kid  as cocky as you winning the king of sef crown is gonna  make me rethink my goal or step back and  be afraid  to  go for it make me stop aiming for what i rightfully deserve. Your dead ass wrong  son because i guarantee you JOrdan you  might be younger you might be faster but i have a edge i have the experience.

He laughs  standing finally.

D-Von: As far as  the only thing i need to be is a multi tag champion. And i should just hang it up. Tonight Jordan im gonna hang it up alright. Im gonna hang it up  next to  the  win  after i beat your ass in that ring. You said you respect  me i say your jealous. Look back Jordan because i wasnt just a tag champion around here. Take a walk in the history  books  kid because your gonna find out why  when i hgad those championships people wanted to  beat me for them. I welcome you to the new era  and i pity  the one who  thinks  by  saying four words  of wisdom  so to speak about tongiht.

D-Von walks out as the camera  follows  and goes off as the door shuts

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