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Your Both Full Of Yourselves (Nick Torres)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:46:23 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:19/07/2009 2:40 PMCopy HTML

(So we've heard from two thirds of tonights main event, the headliner that will determine who faces Chris Orton at Golden
Glory for the World Heavyweight Title. Scorpion, D-Von Dudley, and Nick Torres in a triple threat match, what a clash of egos, experiences, and talent that will be. We now get set to hear from the other third of that match, Nick Torres. He's not anywhere special, no spot alone, not on location, nah, Torres is simply backstage at the arena ready to go. He's got on black jeans and an ol' Gangstas shirt, hair slicked back and toothpick in his mouth. He stands in front of the the mesh fence with barbed wire and the SEF logo on it, a smirk on Torres face.)
Nick Torres: You both seemed to speak of respect an awful lot, but all I head was a lot of talking about yourselves, well maybe a little more like whining and complaining that you both don't get enough respect. Ya know what though, I'll state it right now, I respect you both, D-Von, Scorpion, whether ya like it or ya don't care, I respect you both. Now then, forget anything else about respect because tonight is not about how much your respected or respect others, its not about being a good sportsman, its not about popularity, its about the limelight, the spotlight, its about being World Heavyweight Champion!
(He gets a serious expression now.)
Nick Torres: According to D-Von, he deserves this more because he's been screwed over in SEF, he's had shit taken away from him, heh. Scorpion may be an asshole, but he touched on something truthful about you D-Von, about the fact you've never been any of that, you never got shit taken from you, you have everything you earned in SEF. Now see, Scorpion says you were given everything, nah, you earned your reputation, a great wrestler, a big star and maybe you and I are similiar in are tag team backgrounds, but never holding a World Title. Still you whine and bitch and lie, try to act like your hard, like you got it bad, that chip on your shoulder, well D-Von, remember, chips always have a habit of being knocked off the hard way!
(Still serious, focused on his match tonight.)
Nick Torres: Now according to Scorpion, he deserves this more because he's the guy who carries everyone else, especially...oh how did he put it, "washed up tag team wrestlers"!
(He smirks now.)
Nick Torres: That statement is gonna earn you one hell of an ass kicking tonight Scorpion. I know your got D-Von ready to take you out and I'll admit it if he won't, I want to as well, although, it don't matter who you beat as long as you win. Beat Scorpion, beat D-Von, it don't matter to me, I ain't worried about one of them being a friend or an enemy. Like I said, I respect both and will always respect both, but tonight its about the World Heavyweight Championship and when Nick Torres wins tonight, then in one week it will be even more about the title. That's the future and as much people like to say the future is now, its not! Right now the three of us have no fucking clue who is gonna walk out of Extreme and look forward to walking into Golden Glory with a shot at the World Heavyweight Title. We all want to win, we claim we will win, but who really will win?
(He pauses letting it soak in for a few seconds.)
Nick Torres: I have a little more pressure on me boys. See, if I win tonight, heh, when I win, I have two matches at Golden Glory, two huge matches. A World Title shot and the King of SEF final match. I could become World Heavyweight Champion and the King of SEF in one night, the future, one week away from happening and I have no clue if I'll even have that chance. Its pressure, real pressure and its gonna push me harder or too hard. I've always been good under pressure, I can control myself, but then again this is unlike any situation before, hell, neither of you have ever been in my shoes and I can't think of anyone in the world. So we'll see I suppose, we'll see who makes it and who breaks it, but rest assured, Nick Torres will definitely main event Golden Glory. Will he do that as World Champ or not?
(He smirks now and shrugs his shoulders, then takes his toothpick flicking it at the camera and turns walking out of the view. It rests on the SEF logo now and then slowly fades to black.)

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