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universal6 star tag team

Ain't No Better Team Than Us (Xanthus & Corez)

Started by Da Gangstas, April 05, 2023, 09:47:18 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:19/07/2009 7:28 PMCopy HTML

(The two brothers sit in their locker room shooting the shit about their match tonight, so no hype, lets just listen to what the fuck
they gotta say.)
Corez: Looks like we got Mack tonight bro, he and Jordan, should be a hell of a match against those two.
(X is laid back on a bench looking half asleep while Corez sits on a steel chair taping his wrists.)
Corez: Yo, you alive?
Xanthus: Yea, yea, I heard ya, just thinking ya know, fucking Jordan ripped on me about my past, heh, compared our pasts trying to act like he had it so hard or something, what a joke.
Corez: I hear ya bro, we all came up hard in this business and some had it worse our whole life, like you. Sure wish we woulda knew each other as kids huh, maybe then ya woulda had it better.
Xanthus: Fuck right, I wish we woulda grew up together, your dad woulda been cool. But man, Jordan talked about losing his dad early, who the fuck was my dad?
(He looks a little angry, but stays laying down.)
Corez: That is a good question, wish I knew, really did...
Xanthus: We been over it brother, fucking punk bitch don't deserve to know me nor does that whore who's supposed to be our ma, and fuck Jordan, thinks he had it so hard. Thinks beating cancer makes him so great, heh, I used to wish for cancer to take my life for me cause I was too scared to take it myself, I wished for death, but could never do it instantly. I'm a tear his ass apart tonight, he's mine, got it, I own him tonight, I end his ass!
(X is sitting up now rocking his body on the bench looking at the floor all pissed off.)
Corez: No I don't got it! Were a fucking team and that's why were the best team of all, so get it together and how about the two of us go out there and whip some ass, show Mack and his buddy Jordan why they can't contend with us?!
(Corez shoots to his feet and stares down at X who looks up at his brother.)
Xanthus: Your right...you are...
(X shoots up and the two go nose to nose, eyes full of rage.)
Xanthus: YOUR FUCKING RIGHT! Jordan and Mack both get their asses torn up tonight by the greatest tag team in the world and that's a goddamn shoot, were the fucking best!
Corez: Now that's my brother, that's what the fuck we are gonna do and why exactly are we gonna, huh, why are we?
Xanthus: Cause we fucking can! Tonight them boys get fucked up and ya know, maybe Mack deserves it more so.
Corez: Maybe he does, maybe not, but were gonna walk winners regardless, we are gonna walk out of the arena tonight and the two of them are gonna be carried out covered in blood!
Xanthus: YEAAAA!
(They grab each other by their shirt collars like their gonna fight each other, then just shove one another backwards.)
Xanthus: This is our night bro, this is fucking it and then next week we get those belts we shoulda had six years ago, we become the greatest tag team champs ever in the history of SEF!
(X sits down on the bench and leans backwards against the lockers.)
Corez: Ain't no team better than THC, not any team out there today, now from the past, and ain't no one gonna be better in the future. We are it as far as tag team wrestling goes, we eptimoze what a real tag team is.
Xanthus: I'm a chill before we do this bro, I need to be alone if ya don't mind, my mind is crazy.
Corez: Alright X, I'll see ya in a few and then Mack and Jordan will see something they don't wanna see!
(They each other with crazy eyes, then knock fists together and Corez walks out of the room. X just sits there leaned back and closes his eyes now, so we just leave him be and fade to black.)

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