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Come Play With Me, Nikky

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 05:22:06 PM

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Date Posted:02/12/2009 10:56 PMCopy HTML

The camera comes into a veiw of Megan and Midnight walking down the corridor. Megan is holding her sister's belt like a shy school girl does. They are stopped by Mary Jane.

Mary Jane: Megan, your sister just left for a while. Do you think that this will effect your match tonight against Nikky Venom?

Megan just glares at the girl. A look that shows pure hatred for what the girl just asked her. Megan's voice grew cold and hard as she spoke.

Megan: You honestly did not just ask me that, Mary Jane. You seriously, did not just fucking ask me that! I'm going to win this match for her. I'm going to make her proud of me. I don't care if the fans accept me or if they even like me. I'm here only to make my sister and my cousin proud of me.

Megan looks at the camera. Her eyes pure black.

Megan: Nikky, you won't last against me. You think you can stop me? You honestly think you could fucking stop me from being a devious little bitch? Think again, buddy. You may be close to Midnight but there ain't no way in hell that you are going go get close to me. I will tear you apart. You may be "The Devil's Saint" but you aren't his mistress.

Megan lets out a laugh. Midnight just smiles, her fangs showing.

Megan: Nikky, tonight, you will fall before me. You will indeed wish you had never stepped foot in the ring with me.

Megan looks at Mary Jane before turning and heading off. Midnight saying close behind. The scene fades with Mary Jane just looking dumb.

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