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For Me, It's All A Matter Of Time And Just A Shot Away!

Started by Liz, April 06, 2023, 05:39:45 PM

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Date Posted:05/12/2009 5:49 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The Roleplay of Jordan Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

For Me, It's All A Matter Of Time And Just A Shot Away!
Music Inspiration For The R/P:
"It's Just A Shot Away" By The Rolling Stones
People Mentioned/Used:
It's Not That Damn Important! Just Read The Fucking Thing And You Will Find Out!
{So, on Extreme, Orton got the win but it wasn't Jordan that got pinned. It was SVD. But Jordan got busted open. Tomorrow night is the moment that one Jordan Brooks has been talking about since his return. The moment that he would get the SEF World Heavyweight Championship. But there's one more obstacle in his way and that's Chris Orton. A man that Jordan despise more than life itself. Chris and Jordan will be fighting it out in a First Blood Match. A match were to win you must bust your opponent in the head or wherever enough to get them to bleed. It might seem that this match might favor the champion but anything can happen. Will Jordan finally stop SEF's own version of The Age of Orton or will Chris be the better man that night?}

(The scene fades in from a commercial for tomorrow night's Apocalypse and show a view of a park where it's snowing outside. The camera pans around and finds a man sitting on a park bench just enjoying the snow. The man is wearing a black fur lined black trench coat, a black business jacket, a black dress shirt, a black tie, black dress pants, and black leather snow boots. This man is leaned black with his head tilted back looking at the sky. He then speaks.)

You see all the snow flakes? Every which one of them is so different. Each one looks nothing like the others but they have one common bond. And that's water and cold temperatures.
(The man the raises his head and this man is none other than the King of SEF himself and the number one contender to the SEF World Heavyweight Championship, Jordan Brooks. His eyes are lit with an extra blueness to them. Jordan stares in the camera coldly and speaks.)

Jordan Brooks:
That's how we are, Orton. We both have a common bond. We both want the gold so badly that just like the other would kill to possess it. But unlike you, I am willing to go further than you would possibly would for it. My mentor and one of the greatest men that I've ever had the chance to travel with, Viper, taught me a lesson about what the gold is. To him, it was like the worst addiction that any human could want. I get that too because after winning the International gold twice, it's like I want more. I want more gold. I crave it. I can't live without it. And tomorrow night you will find out what type of person I am. Once that bell has rang, I will be unrelenting and like a rabid and raving animal. Tomorrow night, I am going to bust you open beyond the normal cuts and bruises that you are used to.  That ring will be washed a red with your blood. I'm sick and tired of having to face you and I'm the one that will end this rivalry we have. You do not stand a snow balls chance in hell, pardon the pun, with me.
(Jordan leans forward and put his elbows on his knees and clasp his hands together. Jordan cracks a sly evil grin and says.)

Jordan Brooks:
I am not going to allow myself the option of failure tomorrow night. Tomorrow night....God! I can honestly say that it's already over. This thing that you and I have been doing, it's going to be over after I beat you with in every inch, breath, and pulse in your being, the blood is going to pour forth and I am going to have the gold. It's all a matter of time. So, enjoy that title that you have. The one that you stole from me. My title is come with me. And the reason that I've said that it's my title all along is because it's mine. Not yours. You stole it from me and I will beat the piss out of you in order to get it back. Don't be such a bitch and accept your fate as the former Champion after tomorrow night. You're the one that had all this coming. You've had a long over due ass kicking over what you said about Whitney, Viper, and Mack earlier this year. Those three are the cornerstones of SEF. God, you have so much backlash coming at you.
(Jordan then gets up off the bench and reaches into his coat and pulls out a long stemmed black rose and smells. Jordan then lowers it as he says.)

Jordan Brooks:
After tomorrow night, you will be a broken and bruised man that will no longer have the title on him. You will be put on the shelf after I get you where I want you. Enjoy having gold because I'm leaving with my title tomorrow night. See ya in the ring, little boy.
(Jordan turns around and places the rose on the bench. Jordan then turns at the camera and grins. He then walks off as "It's Just A Shot Away" by The Rolling Stones  plays over the city noise.)
This Layout Was Made For Jordan Brooks By Whitney Marret a.k.a. Liz Decker. If you want a banner or a layout or both, just email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to request one.
Liz     Decker

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