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Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 05:43:52 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:06/12/2009 10:59 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:Seems I struck a nerve.
OOC message: I'm not your biggest concern Megan. I:0 

"Megan you actually believe that you will win against me? You got to wake up from this dream world your living in, and learn that even though you did it once doesn't mean it will happen again. I've learned from my mistakes, and to quote Sixx A.M. 'you can't quit until you try, you can't live until you die, you can't learn to tell the truth until you learn to lie, can't breath until you choke, you gotta laugh when your the joke, there's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive.' I've learned my lessons, but clearly you haven't Sorrow. I've payed the ultimate price and was given a discount(metaphor for death, then was brought back to life). I know things that you don't, I've done things that you won't, I've followed my trail of blood and found my way back home. One thing that makes me better than you, and if you don't understand, it means I've already died but I came back, and I'll always keep coming back, until it's time for me to rest. Now is not a time I've got too much ahead of me to stop now. I'm will to do whatever I can to be the best in this company. Even if that means taking a pit stop on my title chase to take you out."

Nikky smirks and spins around in his office chair, there are pictures of every superstar on the roster. Nikky picks up a red marker and crosses off Megan's picture.

"Now I've seen your segments and I've notice a hint of really old and bad techniques used, so I decided to take a page from your book and used this model behind me and crossed off you picture. Ya, it's bad eh? Well I thought that if I could reach you the way I usually do things, I decided to do what you do to see if that worked. Maybe it did, but probably not because what you do doesn't work on me so I doubt that it will on you, it was worth a shot anyway."

Nikky spins back around to where he was originally, as if he was an anchorman. He takes off his leather jacket showing some of his tattoos on his arms.

"Mack, SVD, Orton and whoever else is in this match, I have beaten most of you and will do it again and for Mack and SVD this will be our first time in the ring together, I will not degrate you and I will not shiver in my boots. I know what you are both able to do, I believe you where both 2 time Intercontiental Champions before and are worthy opponents but you should be fighting for the World Champion. I do think that I have the ablility to beat you both, and that I can but I think you will eliminate each other. I will definatly take advantage of that. That is all. In conclusion, What will you all do when y'all fall down to the hells gates and I don't save you?
TBC: Anyone

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