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We All Fall Down

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 07:19:08 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:14/12/2009 10:01 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for all ages. Harsh language, violence, and sexual content may be present. Can You Handle It? Well then, Read On or F**k Off!!! It's your choice. Just remember I warned you!
unf.jpg image by real_thing_shakes
live while the whole world dies.
"Funny how everything is going down for Bethany Sorrow, Eh?"

Nikky Venom was walking in downtown Detroit, with a cigarette in his mouth and a scarf stylishly tucked into his black leather jacket. He looked pretty hot with his Dollarama sunglasses (Even though it wasn't sunny,but that's how he rolls <:) and cigarette hanging out of his mouth, he looked about as attractive as David Cassidy back in the day. Literally every girl he passed was thinking "He's hot I want to make spontanious love to him right now, and have babies with him hoping that the babies are half as attracive as he is now." Ya he looked that hot.

But I digress.

"First, Megan's not related to her, then Megan's glad about the non-existant relation. Then, she loses her Intercontinental Championship to me...Oh wait...That hasn't happened yet. Well it will, as soon as this new owner gives me the title shot I won. Doesn't matter though, it's fun watching Beths life slowly falling apart. I bet by this time next 2 weeks from now, she'll be out of the DSS, and begging me to help her get revenge. Although, I probably would help her, like, what did she do to me that was so bad right? Anyway, like I said it's just a matter of time."

Nikky flicks his cigarette as he passes the Joe Louis Arena.

"It's actually kind of crule, think about it, Megan-when she was a Sorrow-never really 'clicked' with her sister...well as long as I was around, but always has with her 'then' cousin. Megan, unlike your mother you are a heartless bitch...She once told me she was a heartless bitch, but I never believed her. Why would she care about you if she was heartless, right? But you, your what Midnight wanted to be, that is until this whole scandle unfolded. Now she wants to be there for you and well she has grown her heart."

Nikky finishes his cigarette and throws it on the ground.

"Beth, What are you going to do when you fall the rest of the way to Hell's Gate's and I don't save you?"

After saying that Nikky blows out the smoke and the camera fades
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That last one got blasted wide open
Disclaimer: This layout was made for Nikky Venom by C aka .Cruel Intentions. at Diamonds Are Forever. Want One? Go and request your very own. Otherwise, fuck off and hands off this one!

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