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Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 10:13:57 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:01-13-2010 5:49 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for all ages. Harsh language, violence, and sexual content may be present. Can You Handle It? Well then, Read On or F**k Off!!! It's your choice. Just remember I warned you!

live while the whole world dies.
Nikky Venom is in the ring holding a microphone, he raises it to his mouth before starting to talk.

"Recently we've experenced the return of Midnight and nothing about her has changed, still putting up the same charade that she some heartless bitch, and still hating on me even though everyone else in the DSS has accepted me. Even the man who could stand the sight of me, your beau Midnight, Raven has aceepted me. Now I don't know who you think I am but I think it's about time that you accepted me. If you can't do that then you shouldn't be concerned with the World title, but the International Champion, because I think it's about time we got all of our bad blood out of the way in one match so we can co-exist in this company.

So what I'm proposing is at the pay-per-view coming up, we have ourselves a match, a macth that has been rated "Most Hardkore Match Of 2007,8,and 9". A match called The Curbstomp Match. Now usually this is a match where every title is on the line but I'm willing to make an exception so it's just me and you...What A Goof! I forgot to tell you what the match is. It's really simple, the titles -in this case probably a breifcase holding a contract to any title match that person wants- are suspended above the Titan Tron. Where the only way to win is by pinning their opponent for a 5 count then grabbing the title -in this case again, probably a breifcase- from the top of the Titan Tron."

The fans love the idea and cheer for a little.

"I'm guessing you're all wondering why I'd want that breifcase and the answers simple, I want the Intercontinental Title so I can continue my way to becoming a Grand Slam Champion here in SEF. Besides the rules are No DQ so it would give me a chance to beat the bitch act out of Midnight."

Fans are starting to get confused because of him calling the Midnight evil an act.

"That's right, that whole bitch thing about Midnight is all an act, something Midnight does to make sure no one gets close to her, look what happened last time. So I'm guessing that's the real reason you hate me, it's because you don't want me to crush Megan the way you were right Midnight. You know I've got a word for that, ya, it's...

The lights go out for a minute or two and when they come back on Nikky is knocked out, and Danté Dalvin is standing above him in one hand holding the International Title high above his head, and in the other a microphone.

"No one gets a title shot before me, and you know why? Because I'm better than you, better than anyone here in SEF. I will take that title away from you, but till then..."
He lays the title across Nikky diagonally.

"Enjoy your run as champion, since it will be short lived."

Dalvin walks to the ropes before stopping and raises the mic one more time.

"Oh, Nikky strike two, strike three will be at the pay-per-view when I beat you."
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That's how you write an ambush angle when you're the one attacked. Also how many thought it would be Midnight in the darkness? lol
Disclaimer: This layout was made for Nikky Venom by C aka .Cruel Intentions. at Diamonds Are Forever. Want One? Go and request your very own. Otherwise, fuck off and hands off this one!

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