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universal6 star tag team

Tag Team Terror

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 06, 2023, 10:24:37 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:01-17-2010 10:03 PMCopy HTML

Morrison1.gif Morrison 1 picture by foxy1350
My Words• If the Adam Blake that held the Tag titles had Shawn Micheals as his face chances are that's my shoot brother.
Many people have called Camaro small time, but if you remember correctly Camaro didn't get pinned. Well now is the chance to prove it, He has a chance to tag with his best friend Nikky Venom for the Tag Team Championships. This is his chance to step out of the shadow of the Sports Generation, to show everyone that he is just as good as his opponents, and to show he is not a loser off the street. Lets join Johnny down at ringside.

"Everyone this wednesday I have to face L.A. Jay and Mesa, sorry if I pronounced it wrong Mesa. This is for a chance to become Tag Team Champions, I've had #1 contender oppertunaties and I've blown it. But not this time. West Coast Connection, you did bring back the tag team division, along with the titles, but that doesn't mean that you will be handed them. You will have to go through me, and the only way to do that is over my broken, bruised, and bloody body. Even then it will be hard for you, because I will not rest until I hold the same title my brother Adam Blake held."

He looks around as some matured fans recognize the name.

"Ya that's right the great Adam Blake. But I digress. Lucky I'm not fighting alone or else you'd probably beat me, no, I got my best friend helping me. The International Champion, The Devils Saint, Nikky Venom. That way we're pretty evenly matched. Put our pictures on the screen and get ready to switch them around."

The screen lights up as the pictures of The Infection members and the West Coast Connection members side by side.

"I'm equally skilled as LA Jay, so put my picture beside his."

The production team does it and leave Mesa and Nikky's pictures scattered.

"Nikky and Mesa are equally skilled-that's not an insult, LA Jay and Mesa are equally matched- so put their picture beside each other."

The production team once again does it.

"There is our chart showing skill equivalents, Me and Jay, Nikky and Mesa. So we'll have to fight our hardest, using our youth, and speed to defeat the WCC. We'll have to use everything in our arsenal: The Zwidder-our finisher, The Infect Treatment-Double Styles Clash, The T-Gimmick, Antidote-Razor's Edge w/ Moonsault, and even Exicution-Lung Blower w/ Clothesline. All of those will have to be used atleast twenty million time harder than normal, so we can assure our victory. In conclution, to paraphrase Jack Bauer, you're running out of time.


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