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universal6 star tag team

an interview for Extreme

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 06, 2023, 10:27:01 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:01-18-2010 3:50 AMCopy HTML

A smoke filled hotel room where we find L.A. Jay and Mesa kicked back. Jay is laying on the sofa stoned and Mesa sits at a table playing cards with Whitney Marret and on the bed sits Mack playing a ps3. The door opens and in walks Smokey McWeed high and looks kinda mad now seeing al the smoke. He smacks Jay on the leg getting him to sit up some and sits down saying.
"Damn man, why didn't ya wait for me?"
Jay scratches his head and shrugs.
"Um, dude, its all Mack, he made the call!"
He grins and points to Mack who looks all innocent and says.
"Me, what, worry, nah, I don't even smoke dude, I'm straight as Keith Richards in his twenties!"
Everyone shares a laugh now and then kinda gets quiet realizing that may very well be true, to an extent. Anyways, Smokey says.
"So ya all gonna spark another up, c'mon, I need to do before I do this damn interview, especially around all of ya!?"
A laugh there and Mack says.
"Fuck yea man, Whitney, whip dat shit out, brother man with the camera, cut that shit real quick."
And so now we fade to black.
And were back now, a little more smoke fills the room and everyone seems to have a smile on their faces. Mack is playing ps3, grand theft auto 4, he's going nuts on everyone on the game right now, a rampage of his own. Everyone kinda watches him in a trance, but Mesa nd Whitney pick back up their card game, then Jay nudges Smokey and says.
"Yo bro, didn't ya want to interview us, me and Mesa?"
Smokey rubs his eyes, smiles, and says.
"Yea dude, so lets go ahead and do it."
Jay looks at Mesa and shouts.
"Yo brother, time for an interview, ya set to go?"
Mesa looks at him and shakes his head no, then slips up a middle finger to Jay and laughs. Then in very bad English says.
"You talk, its your best talent!"
A laugh from everyone and Jay just looks him like what the fuck and says.
"Whatever bitch, fine, play cards while I do this."
He settles down on the sofa all laid back, eyes Mack's game playing, but eyes Smokey who now says.
"Alright, well man, your in a tag team tournament title match or wait, title tournament match, or whatever. Anyways, ya face Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom, you and Mesa that is. Johnny made some comparisons of your team and his, pointed out how evenly matched ya are, what ya think about that?"
Jay just rubs his chin and smiles, then says.
"I think he pointed quite the obvious really, I think he was completely honest in what he said, we are two teams of the same physical capabilities that will go out there in the main fucking event and prove we can do it by giving a match worthy of that spot. The win this Wednesday is important this time because what we came back for is on the line, a chance to get into a Tag Title match. Me and Mesa, we have busted our asses for years as a team, we have mastered tag team wrestling, we flow together like one person, we have tried to perfect the art, but whether we have or not is not up to us to decide. Those titles are the only reason we are, no singles gold in our vision. We have both accomplished that and now its time to wear a crown showing how good we have become. Sure, my bro may not be a taker, but only because he speaks little English and like ninety five percent of ya all wouldn't understand him. He does his thing in the ring though, he's got my back, so I got his and can represent him verbally because we have the key element to a true tag team and this is trust! Without a tag team will fall apart, crumble, self destruct and all that, trusting your partner, your brother to be there without knowing he has to be there, he just is there. That makes tag teams what they are and without it they are broken."
Jay takes a breath now and grins as Smokey is blanked out listening. He snaps out of it and says.
"Whoa bro, damn. So I guess you two are ready to go?"
Jay looks at him shrugging and smirks, then says.
"We been ready for years to get into Tag Title contention and hey, it took us a while, but here we fucking are on a high road being given a huge opportunity. We ain't gonna waste it either, fuck that! Me and Mesa, we are winning those belts and yea Johnny, over your bruised and battered body it will have to be, yours, Nikky's and everyone else in this tournament, this our damn time. Name off al the moves ya wanna use to win, go ahead, me and Mesa, we know what were doing and that is working together...TOGETHER...to get the gold. We got our big finale finish, but were gonna go in to win at any cost by any move, we are open to everything thrown our way. So Johnny, you and Nikky can bring all your moves times a million or whatever ya said, we'll take them and give ya some of our own back, but the conclusion showcasing the victors will be myself and Mesa."
Smokey again in a trance has to snap out and then he says.
"Fuck dude, you two are ready, lets smoke some more!"
Jay just laughs and holds a hand up and says.
"Ah, one sec man. To Johnny and Nikky, ya two and us two, we gonna tear down the place Wednesday and with Mack on the card we may not have much left to tear down, but we still will anyways! We always been a respect and we will show it win or lose, but Johnny, Nikky, this is a different for me and Mesa and well you two may be champs one day, we are gonna be champs next! The next SEF Tag Team Champions will Mesa and L.......A.......Jay!"
He does the RVD thumbs and grins and Smokey nods its cool, then looks across the room and says.
"So ya all up for more or what?"
Mack laughs and says.
"Coming in here and using all our shit, damn you!"
Smokey arches a brow and says.
"What the fuck, ya all smoked mine up with no problem!"
Mack looks shifty eyed and goes back to his game pretending he heard or said nothing. Everyone laughs and then Whitney looks our way, oh shit, she's signaling its time for a, um, circle meeting, yea, so we now fade to black.

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