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Started by NBD, April 06, 2023, 11:15:13 PM

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Date Posted:20/01/2010 11:16 PMCopy HTML

"Confusing people with psychology may work with many, but it fails to impact the mind of Mack!"
Dante Davlin, who you claim Mack is, is actually wrong, but in a way, you are like Mack. Being comfortable with yourself, being who you are, that is who Mack is, what you see is what you get. Clothes to Mack are something your supposed to wear because our society made it taboo to walk around naked, they made it indecent. Mack wears what he deems comfortable, what makes him feel good, fell like himself and that happens to be long sleeved, collared shirts and basic blue jeans. The bandana, that is for comfort reasons due to an image and not to look like a rebel, not to like anyone label you want to put on him, so figure it out cause its pretty easy. Just like you prefer your suits or whatever, Mack prefers basic clothes, who gives a fuck? Obviously you do and it what many base a first impression on, however, most first impressions are wrong for you learn about a person by observing them speak and move, but listening and watching. Asking questions is another way, so learn before you speak because you don't have a clue about Mack, yet he ain't that complex.
"Whoever said I rebelled against SEF anyways?"
Ya see Dante, SEF sucked Mack in, it was a place that fit his attitude towards the world. It let him be who he is, a rebel and like it or not, he is one. It don't mean anything, just another label and he has it because Mack goes against the standard society sets on us all as beings, as human beings, he fights that every damn day because Mack don't believe in labels on individuals. No one can be completely the same, so how can you label them into groups? You think because Mack as had a long tenure in SEF or that he has money, that he knows management well and may have that 'stroke', ya think that means he is no longer a rebel?
"Ya got a lot to learn!"
Mack has earned a large status in SEF because he has been here for its existence and that is because SEF fits him, plus he happened to make SEF his territory and the next best thing for him would be to actually run the place, to be the owner, the legit owner, but that may never happen, or will it?
"Ya never know in this business!"
Yea, well forget anymore speculation on that. Dante, Mack was never a higher authority in SEF, he has always been one of the boys in the back fighting for the boys, the men, the wrestlers, the talent and that is a fact you obviously did now and probably because you haven't been here very long. Mack has always been for everyone else here, not to say he hasn't accomplished nothing, but so what if he has? He's looked out for everyone and helped SEF fight the standard set by the large, corporate machine of not just wrestling.
"I only wanna be remembered as someone great in the ring for mesmerizing the crowd with an unbelievable performance and someone who tells it like it is, speaks honestly and thinks openly, that is how I live and that is why I am a rebel in many eyes, I'm only using a name I was labeled as, so don't blame me, blame society!"
As far as the cursing as ya put it, Mack don't believe in labeling words as bad ones and good ones. He believes in using a context to make the words stand out whether they be curse words or 'good' words. He actually doesn't own a leather jacket and any instance ya saw him in one was, well, its hard to say why he wore it. In the early days of SEF it was a cool fashion to do, but in the last few years he rarely wore one. It may be that it became such a trend and such an image for him, there we go with image again! It may have been such an image for Mack that from time to time he put one for show, nostalgia from the ol' days and Mack is known for being nostalgic. Now the pot smoking, that is like the bandana, but a lot more necessary for Mack to be himself. Most assume it is an act of a rebellion to smoke it, but Mack, no. As a kid it was, but then he started to grow up and smoked once in a while, then not too long ago he discovered it had a good use for him, it truly helped him overcome many insecurities he had, open his mind to everything there is, accept all, and find himself and that self that Mack is happens to label him a rebel. He may not be big on labels, but so what? Mack does nothing bad to be a rebel, he simply thinks outside the box, he thinks freely and despite the lies you spewed Dante, he does follow his own will. He has been influenced by others and some have been more so than others. We all are influenced by others to any degree anyways and in order not to be influenced by others, you have to severe all contact with people, animals, any individual!
"You set higher standards for yourself, try to live above others, and set yourself up for more of a letdown, if you fall down!"
Nothing wrong with it, but a fact based off your own words, off one line, so if it is a lie, its because you failed to be truthful. Truth is Dante, you don't know Mack, but you will in time, especially if you face him more frequently. Thing is, bragging doesn't win matches, claiming or stating you have some amount of gold means nothing to anyone except you. Saying that you care not about winning won't mean you will win, hell Dante, if ya had truly researched Mack, you would have found out he doesn't care about the win as much as the match. He has won a few times, but that's his talent to tell a story in the ring, his big shoulders to carry a heavy load and not complain once, his will to go out and be himself. If you feel you have those or maybe more, most do boast they have more, we'll see which you are. If you have those, then you could chalk up some wins in the future, but ya gotta prove ya got them first, so stick it out and do that or prove ya just don't care and fade out like the rest.
"Its up to you brother, we all have a choice despite how society tries to make us feel!"
So its up to you Dante, its your choice to make, its your path you need to make in SEF, its you who must prove yourself to all, not just Mack. All Mack would want is for you to do is get to know him, to forget a first impression or image analysis, just learn the truth and that be that, find out who Mack really is. Hopefully you know better now, if not, well its your choice, but its one that will leave you in the dark, plain and simple. Mack really don't care, he is that at peace with himself he accepts all judgments on himself no matter how absurd they may be. It is understandable to get the idea he is just a poser, not a real rebel, he fits many stereotypical images, but does not match the stereotypical personality of that image. He dresses and acts how he wants to be, himself and that is a mixed up muthafucka, but then, we are all mixed up in our own way. Some are just out there, in your face more than others while others are more relaxed and peaceful, but if done right, makes just as good of an impact, perhaps more of one because very few go that route, that is another argument for another time. For now its about Extreme and your future in SEF Dante, YOURS! You could make yourself on Extreme by defeating Mack, but you know why you can't, so you may be able to get the win, but on Extreme, you won't defeat Mack!
"You can defeat Spiderman and Eden, but you alone cannot defeat me and only I can help you to do that!"
Its nothing to brag about, no ego being given in that statement, just the truth, so can you accept it Dante or will you fire back with more lies?
"If you were telling some truth before, then I believe you can accept it, but I have been wrong before, so we will see, but Dante, not accepting it would see you get defeated in a show of dominance and I honestly don't want that!"

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