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Debut of The Legendary Steve Weigel

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, April 06, 2023, 11:22:03 PM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Date Posted:21/01/2010 5:24 AMCopy HTML

Sometimes in life we give up on our dreams. Or we believe the dream has already came true. In this story we fellow a man who believed his dream came true so he went after another dream of his. Ten years gone he left his dream and retired but thats enough talking for now. Lets go back ten years ago in UWA with Steve Weigel.

{Steve Weigel} - I'm sorry Jimmy Styker but I have done everything I wanted to in my career that I have set out to do. I'm leaving this business while I'm on top of the game. I'm the UWA World Champion and thats all I ever wanted to be. Besides being a father. Now its time to start that dream.

{Jimmy Styker} - So thats it? No changing your mind then? Then all I have to say is I wish you the best. You really came far in such a little time. I will miss you Steve and so will the fans.

At that moment she walked away from wrestling. Was it for the best well only time would tell. Lets jump forward til two months ago. Steve is seen ranning around his house and wrestling with two kids. A young boy and a little girl. You see his wife sitting there shaking her head at them. Right then the phone rings off the hook. Steve stops and looks at the caller ID and goes white in the face. So lets listen in.

{Bobby James} - Are you ready? This is our comeback chance of a life time.

{Steve Weigel} - I can't do it anymore man. I'm not the person I used to be.

{Bobby James} - Dreams don't go away. You understand that right.

{Steve Weigel} - Don't tell me shit I already know. Maybe I'm scared that I will only become a laughing stock of the business.

{Bobby James} - Dude you were a world champion. Were The Predators! You remember that right?

{Steve Weigel} - Fine your right. So when is it?

{Bobby James} - Two months from now we take over SEF. Are you in or out?

{Steve Weigel} - I'm in and you better believe I'm going to walk in there fully loaded.

{Bobby James} - Damn right. Peace Bro!

{Steve Weigel} - Peace!

Now the time has came. A hero fallen from glory looks to raise back on top. Will he? Well no one knows that question. But the story must go on. But I bet your tried of listening to this old narrator talk so let just let you see what happens to Mr. Weigel.


As the camera comes into focus Steve is standing up against a wall talking to Bobby James. Steve is wearing blue jean short and no shirt. With black sun glass on. The room is litten by two big lights. There is nothing in this room at all besides to lockers.

{Steve Weigel} - You know when I first heard you say you found us a federation to come back to. I thought maybe it was a good one. Not a jobber place like this. But I have been gone for a long time so maybe this will do ok starting out. For anyone who is listening to us. Let me clear a couple of things up. My name is Steve Weigel. I'm a ex world champion and I don't careless if you give a fuck or not so keep it to yourself. This is my brother Bobby James and we are The Predators. If you get in our way you will become our Prey and we will be on The Prowl. We will beat anybody who stand in the way of us winning the Tag Team Championships. Dig it? No? Well better start learning fast. See just look Bobby James Bostons Best. The Legendary Steve Weigel. Together were unstoppable. Apart were greatness. And if you want to test me. Well just be the first to step up and get bitch slapped back down to your mamma! Because if you step in that ring with me you better be ready because In The end its always "My Suicide" that will get me the one...Two... THREE!!!

The scene fades to black as they take a break...TBC: By Anybody!

Bobby James

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Re:Debut of The Legendary Steve Weigel
Date Posted:22/01/2010 2:54 PMCopy HTML


There seems to be friction between tag partners Steve Weigel and Bobby James.  Boston's Best is leaning over making sure his wrestling boots are laced up tight.  He laughs a bit while looking over in the direction of Weigel.  Who seems to be lost in his own train of thought as he is pacing nervously through back and forth throughout the dressing room of The Predators.  Bobby opens up the mini-fridge located next to the brown leather couch and pulls out two Miller Lite bottles as he proceeds to pop one open and take a quick swig of it.  Aiming in the direction of Steve he tosses the other bottle at him which he reluctantly catches as he resumes to pace around but not before taking a drink too.  Running his fingers through his black hair he sighs a bit causing Bobby James to speak up.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Dude would you settle down for a moment.  It's not that big of a deal to me.  And it shouldn't be that big for you either.  Just have a match against someone else next week or some shit.

Steve just looks over at him and gives him and rolls his eyes.  Taking another drink he starts to walk around again.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- God damn man take a chill pill and fuckin relax for a moment. Can you do that for me please?  Just sit still and listen up. Okay?

Steve stops for a moment and leans his back upon the wall facing Bobby while taking a drink of his beer.  James does the same.  After a long swallow he speaks some more.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Finally you'll listen to me huh?  At least that's something right there.  So here's the deal I am tagging with Diamond Dogg tonight.  Now I know you don't know him and you don't trust him and I don't have a reason to trust him either but that's just the way it is.  And that's the way its gonna stay for right now.  Sure hes a psycho and a little deranged but tonight I'll see what that man can do in the ring.  If he can prove that he's got what it takes I can move far in this company and The Predators.  Me and you can take on the whole SEF.  See I'm going for the Tag Team gold and for the glory that comes from it and you can head up to a singles title.  I know you can get a shot and run with it.  Don't fall down and don't drop the ball and in the end we can dominate this place.  You understand that don't you?

Steve takes a slow sip and ponders a thought for a moment.

" The Legendary " Steve Weigel -- Yeah I hear that.  Getting some gold around either one of our waists will ge good for us in general.  It will make a statement that were not here to fuck around.  Were here to get the job done.  And in the end no matter what everyone will feel what I feel and be another victim of " My Suicide " .

Bobby smirks at that and drinks the remainder of his beer tossing it into the small trash can to the left of the couch.  Standing up he stretches his arms out a bit.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- And right now I have my own business to take care of buddy.  It's time to get the job done the only way I know how.  And that involves getting my hands nice and dirty. He he.

With that said the camera fades to black ending the scene between The Predators with Steve Weigel seeming more relaxed than he had been previously.

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