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Ravenna meets with Lord Oliver(NC - Ravenna reply)

Started by Midnight, April 06, 2023, 11:25:38 PM

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Date Posted:23/01/2010 3:33 AMCopy HTML


"Midnight, ya been stepping up, making an impact in SEF, having yer cronies beat me down and string me up and fucking hang me, but now its time to put up for real and truly step up by making the challenge, laying it down to really make an impact and beat me, so when's it gonna be baby, where, how, who, how many, whatever else, I don't care, but ya best step up soon baby or you'll end up like pests eventually do...squashed!"

Those was the words that echoed throughout SEF's arena last night as Mack made a clear statement to the DSS. What Mack didn't know, and was totally out of the loop, is that DSS was paid by Dangerously to take out Mack at any cost they see fit. Even if they had to end his career. The DSS now had a chance to go collect a bounty on Mack's head and do what they did best...DESTROY!

Midnight,Ravyn and Ravenna was reunited and relaxing in a secret location in the deep, very deep mountains of Romania. Ravyn told his daughter that she was going to meet the head lordship of the Covenant clan,Lord Oliver. Ravenna was listening to her mp3 player when the lights in the room began to flicker wildly. Lord Oliver appeared in the room in a ghostly like manner and quickly spoke to Ravenna.

"My child. Take thy tech stuff from out thy ears and bow to me."

Ravenna hesitate at first, removed the ear pieces out of her ears and then got off the chair to bow. Lord Oliver smiled and then raised her chin up to meet his eyes. He softly spoke to her.

"So you are the lost child we found huh?"

Ravenna nods.

"You look like your mother but act like your father. I have been watching your matches and your focus is not 100% my child. You must stop chasing little boys and focus on your wrestling if your ever going to be taking your mother's place and be the next Vampiric Bytch."

Ravenna spoke as Lord Oliver listened.

"But your lordship, I am trying to focus."

"I know my child. But you must dig deep inside yourself to find the inner vampiress if you are to win your matches more. You must clear your head of useless thoughts of the outside world we inhabit, and do what must be done in order to complete your training and lead our next generation of our clan. You next in line for the throne and we do not want that to be in any ways interfered."

Midnight suddenly speaks up. Her voice of concern and serious tone.

"Your Lordship. We need to know when is the right time to finally give Mack his answer. He wants to face us, and soon."

Lord Oliver walked away from Ravenna and placed his hands behind himself as he paced the floor, thinking before speaking.

"You say this Mack wants to fight as soon as possible, huh? Let him know that he has to wait. Our business comes first. If he can't wait, then he and I will have a problem, and that would not be wise to anger me."

Ravyn approach his lordship and whispers in his ear. Lord Oliver smiles and then nods.

"I think I have a plan for you two. Midnight, Ravyn..I want you to contact THE ONE and tell them to gather the troops. We leave in two days to meet this so called warrior Mack. I will talk to him and see what this warrior is all about. Come Ravenna! We must walk alone and talk privately away from everyone. I have some things we need to discuss about the family and the plans for you."

Midnight and Ravyn walk away out of the room, while Ravenna walks with Lord Oliver.

"Tell me my child..what was your life like with the Sorrows."

They find a seat on a long stone bench and sat down together, Lord Oliver's hand holding Ravenna's hand.



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Re:Ravenna meets with Lord Oliver(NC - Ravenna reply)
Date Posted:24/01/2010 10:06 PMCopy HTML

Ravenna looked at the ground. Her body shaking slightly.

"Life with the Sorrows was pure hell. Ann was always hitting me and screaming at me. Bethany was always there to save me. She would fight so I could run away. I remember hiding under the stairs in a closet so Anna couldn't find me. I was scared to death of her. I still am. It was okay when Bethany would come home though. She would make everything better for me"

Ravenna looked at Lord Oliver out of the corner of her eye. Not sure what he wanted from her.



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