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Started by Dante Davlin, April 07, 2023, 01:37:26 AM

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Dante Davlin

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:3
  • Posts:3
  • From:USA 
  • Register:05/01/2010 5:47 AM
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Date Posted:27/01/2010 2:15 PMCopy HTML
[Scene opens to a crowded street corner. Its evident to anyone who's spent any type of time in the Big Apple by the glimmer of the lights, dirtiest sidewalks in the world, sheer amounts of mass population walking the sidewalks, along with the number of yellow cabs and traffic.. this is obviously Times Square. All the traits of the city are there. Horns are honking, people in traffic are yelling obscene remarks, the smell of Italian pizzerias are faint. Its a typical day in NYC.

However, this isn't a normal SEF camera. You can tell by the rolling time marking this at 11:47 AM of 01/25/2010 that this is your normal, average video camera. Quite possibly HD, the quality isn't too shabby.

The camera jerks around as if being handled by an amateur. Most likely a tourist trying to dodge the high volume of pedestrians walking the sidewalks of Manhattan. After a few second of panning the crowd, seeing the sights, an audible "Hey you" is heard off camera. We pan right to the street. Parked roughly 10 feet away along the sidewalk is a stretch limousine, all black and looking a little too shiny to have been driving around the city for any serious length of time. One of the dark-tinted back windows is rolled down roughly halfway and as the camera hones in on the limo, a pair of dark aviators peek out from the side. The arrogant voice is noticeable immediately to anyone who's spent the last few weeks watching SEF on television.]

Dante Davlin: Good sir, have you ever seen the inside of a stretch limousine?

[The camera pans us left and right, motioning the universal signal for "no." After a moment, Davlin opens the door and invites us inside. Once inside, you realize just how extravagant this ride is. All the normal limo commodities are there, sure - mini bar, fridge, sunroof - but it also has two flat screen HD televisions on the right and left side of the seats so that passengers on both sides can still watch either screen at any time. On the left screen right now is an inaudible match obviously from Japan, noted by the text at the bottom of the screen and the fact that there are English subtitles. On the right screen is Mack being "sacrificed" by Midnight a few weeks ago on Extreme.]

Davlin: Today is that day. You're welcome to a drink from the mini bar if you like. I simply chose to speak with you because of that device you're holding.

[Davlin grins slyly. As we've seen him most times, he's wearing a suit. In classic arrogant fashion, it doesn't have a tie and the top couple of buttons on the white collared shirt are unbuttoned. The aviators hang down the brim of his nose just enough that you can see his eyes as he peers into the camera.]

I got a few things to say and I'd appreciate it if you just keep that camera directed at me for a few moments. After we're done, I'll pay you a considerable amount of money for the tape and you can be on your way. Agreed?

[From behind the camera we hear the voice of a male saying "Thats fine." Davlin leans back and throws both arms up on the top of the seats. He likes the image of being the boss. He feeds off of it.]

You may have noticed that on your right is a special DVD playing that I've had personally constructed by my own team of directors and editors that I hired. I told these gentlemen that I want to study Mack and how to tear him apart, one limb at a time. So we got together with the film crew over at the SEF head office and I told them to give me every tape and every clip where Mack was beaten for a title, embarrassed or humiliated in front of a national audience. Right now it ends with me spanking Mack on Extreme after his recent victory in that fatal four-way with myself.

[Davlin takes a moment to reach off camera and grab a glass with a dark brown substance in it and takes a sip before continuing.]

You see Mack, what I did was for a reason. You didn't beat me. You may have won that little exhibition, but all you've proved is that you're far better than a man who hides behind his mask. You got the pin on Spiderman. Just like everyone has since he's been here, pretty much. However, when I had you on the mat and I was swinging down that chair.. I was reminded of what its going to be like when I finally get the pin over you. It will happen. As for now, I'm going to leave you be. I want you to go to Crossing The Line and walk all over Chris Orton. I want you to hold the title high [raises his arm to illustrate his words] and I want all the fans in the arena to praise you and chant 'Mack! Mack! Mack!'

[Leans back in his seat, calming back down.]

.. because the better you look, the better I'll look when I'm standing over your beaten body.

[A slight grin across his face as Davlin pushes his aviator sunglasses up his nose with his index finger to cover his eyes.]

Speaking of men who hide behind masks, Azreal has been doing a lot of talking about our upcoming match at Extreme. On the television to your left are videos of his previous matches in Japan. I use the word matches loosely, because I don't consider barbed wire ropes and explosives real wrestling.

[Chuckles to himself.]

You might have to actually be able to tell the difference between an arm-bar and your asshole to impress me a little bit. However, you gave a brilliant speech about how "Doctor Death" Steve Williams was this superhero amongst wrestlers over in Japan. Perhaps he was. What you failed to mention was that every time Steve Williams came to America to wrestle, much like you, all they spoke of were his accolades in Japan.. because he didn't matter much here. You can hold up your trophies and talk about how valiant your battles were.. and there may be a few fans that weigh about as much as you do and live in their mother's basements who actually know or care about what you've done, but the majority of us just don't.

[Dante snatches his glasses off his own face, leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees, with a very serious look on his face and tone in his voice.]

Let me make myself perfectly clear. When Halloween comes to an end and you're done trick-or-treating.. when that bell rings for us to stand toe-to-toe in that ring.. only one thing matters. At the end of the night when the fans are staring into that squared circle and I have your massive frame laid out on the mat and your huge wingspan is reached out halfway across that canvas.. and I put my boot on your cheek as the referee ever-so slowly counts his way to three.. the magazines will write that David has stomped out Goliath. That I've overcome all odds and without a doubt.. I'm one of the brightest stars SEF has to offer. Goodnight Azreal.. sleep tight.

[Fades out with Davlin grinning.]

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