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Triple Threat Match p. 2 (Diamond Dogg promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 01:38:31 AM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:27/01/2010 4:38 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to reveal a shot of none other then Diamond Dogg. He appears to be standing backstage in the Civic Coliseum no doubt ready for tonight's Extreme. The camera zooms in for a close up and Diamond Dogg speaks.

"So tonight is the night huh? Tonight is the night that Diamond Dogg becomes the SEF International Champion. Tonight is the night that Nikky Venom and Gabriel find out just how serious Diamond Dogg is. Forget about Brock Lesnar, Nikky Venom and Gabriel will soon find out why Diamond Dogg is the real next big thing. Diamond Dogg isn't just going to stop with the International title. Diamond Dogg will soon be coming for the SEF World Heavyweight Championship too. Diamond Dogg is hungry, and Diamond Dogg must satiate his hunger."

"So Diamond Dogg had Venom confused Camaro? Well admittedly this will teach Diamond Dogg not to smoke  crack before an interview ever again. Though Diamond Dogg enjoyed that sweet rock, Diamond Dogg still can't quite forgive himself for mistaking Venom for Camaro. Crack has damaged Diamond Dogg's upstanding reputation in the world, and Diamond Dogg must make amends."

Diamond Dogg pauses and seems to to be in deep thought. Diamond Dogg reaches into his pocket, and pulls out what appears a crack pipe. Diamond Dogg holds it up into the camera. Then all to suddenly, Diamond Dogg closes his hand around the pipe and crushes it in his hand. Diamond Dogg then drops the remnants of the crushed pipe onto the floor.

"Diamond Dogg won't be smoking any crack tonight! Diamond Dogg will not be enjoying the sweetness of crack again anytime soon. Crack has been a longtime friend of Diamond Dogg, but crack has ruined Diamond Dogg's reputation. Diamond Dogg cannot continue to let crack ruin his good name. No more crack for Diamond Dogg. No more crack for a good long time."

Diamond Dogg pauses...

"But then again... is Nikky Venom really that important? How should Diamond Dogg be able to remember a nobody like him? Why should Diamond Dogg have to remember him? Well after tonight, Diamond Dogg will be sure to forget him and this time good. Nikky Venom just isn't important enough to remember."

"And as for Gabriel? Well again...who the hell is he? Its just the damnedest thing that Diamond Dogg can't seem to remember who the hell Gabriel or Venom is.  Diamond Dogg will find out who Gabriel is tonight though. This Gabriel guy... is he a guy or a woman? Well whatever Gabriel is, Diamond Dogg doesn't care. Diamond Dogg will introduce Gabriel to the Beast Choker tonight. Gabriel cannot win tonight. Nikky Venom cannot win. Diamond Dogg must win. Diamond Dogg will win. Tonight is Diamond Dogg's night. Diamond will walk out of Extreme tonight the victor of the Triple Threat Match, and the new everyone's new SEF International Champion!"

"Diamond Dogg is ready for the Triple Threat Match. Diamond Dogg is ready for gold. Gabriel will know what violence Diamond Dogg is capable of tonight. Diamond Dogg is bring light tubes and cheese graters to Extreme tonight. Diamond Dogg will introduce his friends to Gabriel and Venom tonight. They are anxious to meet them both. Diamond Dogg promises the world, he promises the fans, and most of all Diamond Dogg promises himself that he'll be the next SEF International Champion tonight."

This promo is over. Cut the fucking camera!

The camera then fades out into blackness.

Fade out...

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