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In Camaro We Trust

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 01:39:48 AM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:27/01/2010 9:48 PMCopy HTML

"Booby James I still can get over the fact that even though you got what you wanted you are still bitching and complaining about what happened three months ago. Two words. GET OVER IT! What will it take for you to stop living in the past? I had some air time, then you attacked me. What was that for? For something that happened months ago. Get Over It! You have been calling me a bitch when you are the real bitch. You just keep complaining, even when you get what you want you still whine and moan and complain. Shut you god damn mouth! You say history is lovely, maybe that's why you can't get over what happened, but I don't care. Tonight, I am going to beat you down until it's the only thing that you can remember aabout the past, then maybe you would start living in the now."

Johnny smiles and looks down at the ground. He puts on his sunglasses with faux diamonds lining it.

"From what you have previously stated it's clear to me that you don't have a life, that and you're mental. There is one thing that I can't get understand about you from your last promo. You don't like walks with women, but do you even like women? I'm not saying your a homosexual, but if you like the ladies what do you exactly do with them? Granted I
haven't dated outside of Orange County so I don't know what you do in...where ever you are from. Maybe you do just sit  around and do nothing, I don't know and don't care, because you still are a little Mr. Negitivity. One thing I'd like to touchup on is when you said "can go back to playing Frisbee with the dogs...That type of shit isn't for me." How can you not think playing fetch with a dog isn't fun? You are weird, and that leads me to ask if you even like 'Man's Bestfriend' dogs? No matter.

Johnny looks around to see if his dog was around.

You know the threat level of you Booby is about as fake as the faux diamonds on these glasses. As far as I'm concerned, you will not be any harder to beat down than last week on Extreme, and tonight when I beat you, it's over, donezo. The only way you will be able to get me in the ring with you again, is if it's for a title. Get it? Got it? Good!

Johnny starts to walk away but remembers some things he'd wanted to bring up, so he walks back and begins to talk.

"I almost forgot you said some shit about tonight, let me touch it up abit. You may make history, and it's no doubt history will be made tonight, but not what you think. Tonight, you will make history as the man who lost in the shortest match ever. As far as that bleeding thing is concerned, you will be the one left a bloody mess. Finally, I will prove even the best can be broken down. Peace yo. Brrrrrrup!

"In Camaro We Trust" A word from the lord.

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