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Started by NBD, April 07, 2023, 01:56:56 AM

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Date Posted:27/01/2010 11:18 PMCopy HTML

So someone finally speaks up and then another joins the ragging. Ravyn Crow and Dante Davlin, two men aspiring to be in the position of Mack, wanting to be at his level, but bitter because they know they got a long way to go no matter what they do. So from there they try to get under Mack's skin, try to twist words and make him confused, make him impatient, make him seek them out, but Mack said many times and he'll probably say it again many times because no one listens enough!
"Ya want to rise, then Mack is the man to take down, but YOU gotta make it happen, my patience truly has no limit!"
Many may say bullshit, many may claim it, but how many can actually back it up? Mack has proved his patience, so keep talking, he'll still be waiting to walk all over ya. Dante, excuses are made everyday, so save them and just say nothing if you cannot admit to losing a match that Mack won. A fatal four way is a dangerous match for you can lose without getting beat, of course, sometimes that can happen in a singles bout. Regardless of the kind of match, ya lost, so what? Ya did make a statement and now ya lay low, tsk, tsk, if only ya knew, but then again, this wouldn't have be to said if ya knew.
"Let him be, Dante will step up when he thinks he can step to the man and he'll find out who Mack is then!"
Now Ravyn, ya say ya proved ya got your opponents running scared yet that has been failed to be seen. Chris Orton and you have not crossed paths in SEF, until tonight! Mack, so he got hung and sacrificed, all symbolic gestures and with no back up to the statement, so what is there to fear?
"Nothing, simple as that, nothing!"
Your just another poser thinking he's already made, but Ravyn, you are the bottom of the ladder here in SEF, must work your way up. As Mack has stated, ya did good targeting him, but ya gotta focus, ya gotta stay on task and move up, don't lose your place or else....or else ya won't last only a few seconds against Mack. He never ran scared from you, he got jumped in the dark by a bunch of people, so he got tied up, it would happen to anyone else on the roster in the same situation and denying it is a lie, Ravyn Crow, if Mack felt the urge to do the same to you, you would be tied up as well. Thing is, he don't play the dark game, he don't buy into the myth of your so called 'kind'. Mack is real and comes at ya with nothing held back, maintains focus on what he wants and gets the job done no matter how long it takes, he don't stop, so you better not either. Dante, it goes for you to, don't stop or your dead, ya both will be nobodies in SEF if ya stop for one second. Pursue Mack, take him down, stay on him, don't let him fight up, its your worst mistake and that ain't a catchy phrase.
Chris Orton and Mack are united tonight, but with all these people trying to jump on Mack's ass, who knows how the match is gonna turn out, although, with no Ravenna in the picture, what will Ravyn do? He'll find help or maybe Ravenna will show up, when ya tangle in a web ya get a lot of visitors, so let Ravyn worry about that. Mack will show up to fight two people or more because he knows...he knows! Any Steve Weigel, all your little one liner proved.
"Was that you don't draw for shit and that son is another shoot, so step up if ya think ya can or play like Ravyn and Dante, hiding until they 'think' Mack is vulnerable and get owned!"
Still no one gets Mack, no one has the intellect to compete on his level and that has been proven...like it or not...ya better learn to love it or do something that has been repeated time and time again.

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