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Beach God Speaks Out

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 06:33:34 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:27/01/2010 11:58 PMCopy HTML

Morrison1.gif Morrison 1 picture by foxy1350
My Words• Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here. Insert OOC Here.
"Isn't it strange how James can't get over on small beating?'

Johnny was in his 1967 Blackcherry Camaro driving to the airport for Extreme. Everyone in the arena can see it though.

"That's why I'm going to fight him tonight, so I can show him the beating was nothing and that I'm a million times worse when you piss me off. So Booby you wanna live in the past lets do it. Production roll the clip."

A clip runs showing Johnny originally beat on James. It shows him hitting the Speed Drop, and it show old clips of him in Indy promotions beating on people. One person passes which everyone noticed as Nikky Venom-then Murdock. It shows a clip of someone unknown ranting about how Camaro sucks transitioning into him bloody, brused, and broken getting hit with the Lovegun DDT-at that time his finisher. It ends with Booby James bad mouthing him, then James getting hit with the Speed Drop.

"That is how you live in the past. So Booby since this is the first and last time me and you meet in the ring, I'd just like to point out that after I beat you I'm going on to become the SEF Rumble winner and SEF champion at WrestleX. Now I better step back and not get ahead of myself. I'm going to say this, tonight Booby, we will step in that ring and the match will start, and it won't finish until you need to be brought to the back on a stretcher. We will step in and no one will be able to stop us from fighting until one of us is bloody, and knocked out. You may have goals set but goals were made to be broken, just like you, 'cause everyone has a breaking point and yours will be surpassed by millions of times. Beach God Out


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