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Showtime baby

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 07, 2023, 07:33:56 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:01/02/2010 11:43 AMCopy HTML

- showtime,baby -


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The scene opens up in front of a black curtain. It ripples slightly in the wind, and a man slowly strides in front of it. Black sunglasses cover his eyes, and his long flowing brown hair reaches his shoulders. He smirks - he really is amazingly beautiful, and I think he knows it.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he says towards the camera, "My name is Thee Christ of Wrestling. Johnny Camaro. And I'm here to basically ransack the entire place, win some hearts and take your world by storm in a whirlwind campaign for the World Heavyweight title that I anticipate will take ..." he shrugs. "Two months max? Either way, I pretty much intend on winning it. And I bet I will."

"Let me tell you how I do. I lived shit up like no one's business. I surfed commonly, played basketball on the daily, partied like it was the end of the world and made a name for myself in the local underground fighting scene. I was like Sandy Cohen - able to surf, wise beyond my years, but still able to kick an ass or two when the time calls for it. Except, I could kick an ass or nine. At the same time. True story."

"As you know I am facing Chris Orton on Extreme. What you don't know is I revolutionize shit like no one else has ever done. D-Generation X and Stone Cold Steve Austin changed the WWF in the late nineties to a program that would break ground and make wrestling as big or bigger than it was in the eighties." Johnny laughs.  "But then . . . after four or five years, it tapered off and got progressively worse. Ratings lowered. People started watching something else in lieu of wrestling. Unfortunately, that trend has continued for almost everywhere. Everywhere, that is, except for places where I excel."

"As of right now I'm setting a deadline for myself. One year, 4 titles. I am going to win all 4 titles by the end of this year. Me and Nikky are already on the road to winning the tag titles, and after I beat Orton I will basically be the guy to go to for title shots. Orton, I see this match as a step up for me and a step closer to a title. For you it makes no different whether you win or lose, you're still #1 in the company, I've only got one way to go and that's up. Extreme, it's showtime baby."

When God spoke of beauty, strength, and overall awesomeness, he spoke of Johnny Camaro.

"I am Survival of the Fittest."

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