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Tag Team Match (Sandman promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 07:38:07 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:01/02/2010 4:14 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to reveal a shot of none other then The Sandman. He standing outside what appears to be his house. Sandman seems to be in a joyful mood. Maybe it's because he's got a buzz coming on or its just one of those days. The camera fades in for a close up and The Sandman speaks.

Sandman: "So this week on Extreme, The Sandman has a Tag Team Match with Emmett Murdock against the Mercy Killers; Shadow Dragon and Azreal? The Mercy Killers? Seriously? I thought these clowns would have been eliminated by now. They talk about enjoying Japanese Deathmatches and what not, or at least this Azreal does. But to me, their just kids. What do these kids know about Japanese Deathmatches? I've been in plenty of Japanese Deathmatches in my time, hell I've had one right here in SEF or EFNW or whatever they want to call it these days. It was part of my Best of 7 Series with Mack. Or at least back then he was known as Shane Mack. Personally I think he needs to pick a name and stick with it."

Sandman: "Azreal, you talk tough, but this coming Extreme, we'll see if you and Shadow Dragon can defeat the likes of me and Emmett Murdock. Murdock and I may have our differences, but we've already proved that we can work together. But we'll sure find out this coming Extreme if the Mercy Killers have what it takes to beat The Hardcore Icon and Emmett Murdock. The Sandman is coming to Extreme looking to advance in the Tag Team tournament. The Sandman will hold championship gold again. Whether Emmett Murdock wants to hold championship gold or not is up to him. We can be Tag Team Champions or we can go home with our hands empty."

Sandman pauses to pull out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He pulls a cigarette out and brings it to his lips. Putting it in his mouth, he then produces a lighter and lights the cigarette. Putting the lighter and cigarette pack back in his pocket, he takes a deep drag of the cigarette and exhales.

Sandman: "Azreal you want to talk about getting hardcore, well this coming Extreme, you'll get your chance to prove whether your hardcore or not. I'm sure your going to say the same tired ol things that everyone else says about me, but that's ok. The Sandman continues to prove that he still has what it takes. I'm going to show you why I'm The Hardcore Icon. You say you like Japanese Deathmatches, well Sandman is going to give you a taste of them this coming Extreme. Sandman once wrestled in Japan. Sandman once wrestled for FMW. Hell, had I not gone to WCW when I did, I would have eventually faced the great Atsushi Onita in an Exploding Barbed Wire Match. Though I enjoyed the money I got from WCW, it's always been my regret that I didn't stay long enough in ECW to have a match with Onita. I know what it means to be hardcore, to get extreme, and I'm going to show the Mercy Killers this week, what it means too."

Sandman pauses and takes another deep drag of his cigarette, before exhaling.

Sandman: "Shadow Dragon, I don't know much about you, nor do I really care. We'll see what you have to offer this week too. You have been talking big to from what I've heard. I look forward to both you and your partner this coming Wednesday night. Perhaps you and Azreal will be victorious over The Sandman this week, perhaps me and Emmett Murdock will screw ourselves over. Who really knows huh? But I can promise you all that your not leaving Extreme without spilling some blood. And it won't be just mine or Murdock's that is spilt either. I promise you that."

Sandman takes one final drag of his cigarette, exhales, and then tosses the butt away. The Sandman then looks into the camera hard.

Sandman: (Sandman chuckles) "I am The Sandman, and I approve this message".

Fade out...

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