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A Simple Workout - Extreme Promo

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 08:33:25 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:02/02/2010 2:14 AMCopy HTML

A white towel is hanging on the side of a rack next to a bottle of Gatorade Riptide Rush.  In front is Bobby James who is on his back laying on a workout bench just finishing up a bench press set.  Sweat glistening as he continues his reps.  Finishing up moments later while he pulls himself up and leans forward grabbing the towel to wipe himself down.  Taking a swig of the Gatorade James looks down at the ground and rests his elbows on his knees.  Breathing a little heavier than usual he starts to speak.

" BostonXXX Best " Bobby James -- Ah ah.  There is nothing quite like an intense workout to get the blood pumping if ya know what I mean. Ah.  But Diamond Dogg I'm sure you don't know anything about hard work.  About what it takes to train and workout.  To prepare mentally and physically for a match.  I hear your words loud and clear that you don't consider me a challenge to your championship.  That I should just take a beating.  Take my ball and go home.

Taking a drink from the bottle he starts to speak again.

" BostonXXX Best " Bobby James -- Uh-uh not happening.  While your busy getting your cock sucked on by Gummy Gumerson I'm laying it wait ready to pounce.  Ready to take that title off of your hands.  Now I'm confused a bit though since you say that the gumless give the best head.  Something about no teeth.  I guess so they can't bite.  But my real problem is the fact that you say you don't like granny porn.  Well either you love toothless grandmas slobbing on your knob or your standards are just so damn low that you'll take whatever useless toothless homeless son of a bitch you can find.  I mean come on man have so fucking standards.  Sure your daddy didn't when he spilled his seed into your momXXX love oven but thatXXX just sad.  Seriously.  Sad.  All of it actually.  Your whole life must have been like some weird decent into the abyss.

James laughs a bit thinking about Diamond DoggXXX life issues.

" BostonXXX Best " Bobby James -- But we both know its true.  Your life as a kid was one big pathetic mess.  I mean how else can you explain why you grew up to be such a low class white trash piece of shit?  You aren't a man in a true sense of the definition.  In the one that truly matters.  My definition that is.  See what I view when looking at you makes me sick.  You know that bitter taste that you get in the back of your throat when you think your gonna blow chunks.  Like bits of rotten food and stomach acid.  Kind of like when you burp and taste vile crap.  ThatXXX what you remind me of not of a man.  Just a simple pig fucker.  But wait you said thatXXX disgusting right?  Its gross to screw a pig but not a horse.  Riiighhhttt.  Sure it makes it better.  Not in my world it doesn't.  What just because you can find more worms in pigs?  Are they unclean swine to you?  What are you a Jew?  Mazel Tov Bitch.  Ok so maybe if your a dirty Jew you can't fuck pigs.  God wouldn't like one of his chosen people screwing the swine.  So what are you herding up steers then?  You boffing cows?  I bet that the only heifer you screwed wasn't just your mom.  You took Bessy and had her mooing till the cows came home literally.

James runs his fingers through his hair and carries on speaking into the camera yet he still looks down at the ground.

" BostonXXX Best " Bobby James -- So what is a Jewish cow fucker doing sticking his tube steak in any animal that it can fit in.  Except pigs ok.  Can't do pigs.  Got it.  But you also seemed to have a problem about kids.  I thought you wanted to fuck anything.  But kids are wrong?  ThatXXX not what your daddy thought.  See he had the reverse Oedipus Complex.  He wanted you and you wanted to scream.  I bet thatXXX where your love of pain came from.  It came from a daddyXXX love.  But Diamond Dogg denial is just not a river in Egypt.

James sighs and speaks again.

" BostonXXX Best " Bobby James -- But I have some tissues for all of your issues.  Like the fact that you think McDonalds is a place for romance?  You want to go on a date with me?  Dress me up?  Yeah your not a homo.  Your a flamer.  Try to deny it but I know what you are and so do you.  The pain the true pain will catch up to you,  I'm not just talking about the physical pain that you claim to live on.  The pain you claim to love.  I mean the mental anguish.  The kind that keeps you up at night.  It wakes you up in the dead of night and you hope that the dreams will subside.  Yet you know that the terror will always be around the corner.  Inching closer and closer until it has suffocated you.  Scream out.  Fight out.  Lash out yet hope that you can find the will to survive for another day.  I've known that pain before.  Yet I am surviving.  I am thriving.  Let just hope at Extreme the doubt doesn't creep upon you.  Cause I don't care if I piss you off.  Screw you.  You can talk about Iron Man matches and how your gonna kick my teeth out.  So yeah bring everything you can.  Bring It All Bring The Tables , Bring The Chairs , Bring The Ladders And Even Bring The Popcorn Vendor And His Buttery Fat Wife!

Bobby James finally looks up with eyes blazing as he pulls the camera forward and looks right into it starring intently.

" BostonXXX Best " Bobby James -- You speak of mercy?!  I'll have none of it!  And I'll give you none!  Just do me one thing come prepared or don't fucking come at all!

With that said BostonXXX Best tosses the camera down onto the ground as static fills the screen before fading completely out.

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