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a moment alone...for two

Started by NBD, April 07, 2023, 08:59:45 PM

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Date Posted:03/02/2010 11:54 PMCopy HTML

On the snow covered banks of the Ohio river, standing on the dock of the English Park is where we find two people, a man and a woman, a couple, the couple of S...EF'NW! The dock rocks with the current of the river, the moon shines down light as the city of Owensboro shines down some more and in the light we see Whitney Marret standing next to a rusted, steel pier supporting the dock and standing a foot away at the edge of the dock is Mack. Both look out at the river with a fondness, Whitney with a heavy, white, down coat on while Mack wears a grey tee and blue jeans with his trademark bandana. Silence is in the air as well as some smoke that is quickly blown away, and then the silence is broken with her breath being seen in the cold air as she says.
"it's a nice place to be, a great place to think, huh?"
She waits for a response and Mack gives one.
"Yea, it is, the mighty Ohio, or wait, that is the Mississippi, but the Ohio can cause as much chaos yet it is nice standing her, with you, and just thinking, talking some, enjoying a small break!"
Silence fills the cold air again and tugboat is seen in the pale light, then Whitney says.
"So how about that match tonight, thinking of it?"
Mack responds with some slight laughter in his tone.
"Well of course, my mind is always on wrestling, but maybe this year I'll take a break, just not too long of one."
Whitney responds rather quickly.
"I hope so, that way we can come down here and just relax for a few days."
Mack responds to her.
"It'd be nice, no doubt. I got some serious shit going right now though, fuck, World Title on the line Sunday, what ya think of that?!"
Whitney waits a few seconds and then says.
"I think its time to take the power back!"
They eye each other and grin, then Mack slides over and throws an arm around his girl and says.
"I suppose it is, I suppose it is! A shame it had to come to this, but I just gotta do what I do and S E F will never die, no matter what name DICK wants to go by now, EF'NW, not like the two are any different. But hey, lets go, outta get back to the arena for Extreme, race ya to the limo!"
Whitney spins around and rushes off the dock towards the parked limo. Mack just laughs as he jogs behind her and soon we see both get inside the limo which then pulls away up the hill and out of view which now fades to black.

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