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It's Time To Cross The Line - PPV Promo 1

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 09:01:00 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:05/02/2010 1:50 AMCopy HTML

Slowly I can feel myself awakening coming out of the black.  Opening my eyes to rub the dried crust free I hear the slight vibration of a cell phone.  Sighing I look at the phone seeing the name Steve Weigel on the display while picking it up to press the ignore call button.  Thinking I'm too out of it right now to worry about talking to anyone as I push myself out of the bed.  Clinks occur across the ground while putting my feet on the ground noticing numerous bottles of Miller Lite scattered about the floor.  Wow I need to get myself clean before I can start this morning out.  Making my way to the bathroom in just a pair of boxers I shut the door behind me as urination is heard through the door followed by a flush.  A curtain is pulled back and the shower is heard while the camera fades out.

A few seconds later time has elapsed as the camera fades back into the same hotel room in Owensboro.  Slowly opening the bathroom door Bobby James steps out with a fresh look upon his face with hair styled and a smirk upon him.  He is wearing his basic everyday clothing consisting of a pair of jeans and a simple white and navy blue three quarter length t-shirt.  Looking to his left he slips into a pair of leather sandals and heads towards the window.  Staring out he notices that sky is mostly clear a few clouds scattered about.  Could be rain thinking to himself.  But isn't always a chance of rain on cool winter mornings?  Its not cold enough to snow but cold enough to give the rain a deep chill.  The kind of chill Bobby James is feeling right now.  Yet this chill is for excitement.  For what is gonna happen in the future.  This Sunday it is Crossing The Line.  The first of pay per view of the year.  The one that starts it all.  A chance for one to shine through.  Bobby James knows that it could be him as he moves towards a small table picking up his phone and keys shoving them into his two front pockets as he places his wallet into his back pocket.  Leaving the room he closes the door behind him.

Moments later an elevator door is opened as he makes his way through the crowded lobby avoiding a few kids looking for an autograph.  Don't these kids know that heels don't do autographs?  He shakes his head no.  I guess they know that now as he heads out the front door.  Getting into his Charger he lets the camera man into the car and gets in as well.  Suddenly he speeds off down  the street and begins to talk.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Diamond Dogg I may have won our match.  You were nailed with The Highlight but Johnny Camaro took his shot at you besides the fact that Nikky Venom injected himself into the foray.  Yet the battle between us saw me victorious in the end just like I said.  Yet you are still the champion.  Championships don't change hands by way of disqualification.  They just don't as much as I wish they would.  See Johnny Camaro saved your ass from a very real defeat at my hands.  You can tell yourself over and over again that you still have the belt.  Even gloat that I may have won the match but you are still the champ.  Hold that belt of yours as high as you want and claim it for now.  For now you are still the champ but how long you will remain has yet to be seen.  Nikky couldn't stand up to Steve Weigel so I put a bet down on you Dogg.  At Crossing The Line you two square off and I won't say the better man will win but I can say a man will win.  But we are far from over me and you.  Just like Johnny Camaro has learned I won't give up that easily.  I do what it takes to win and more.  Johnny learned that and now you have too.  You want to talk about blood and pain well I gave you both.  And I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Bobby pauses for a moment while he looks through the mirror.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- There is a war brewing between each of us.  Me and Camaro and me and you but really its not the first thing on my mind right now.  See there will be a time that me and you meet back up in the ring and I will prove to you I'm the better wrestler and the better man when I get strip the title away from you.  Now is not the time.  Now is the time to look towards Crossing The Line. On February 7th , 2010 I will make history in the newly named EF'NW's inaugural pay per view event.  No matter the case that Johnny Camaro had a fluke victory over me last week.  Or even that you still are holding the title.  Or that Johnny screwed me out of a championship  or that I fuckin helped Johnny Camaro win his match!

Bobby punches the top of the steering wheel thinking about the outcome of the match between Orton and Camaro where he inadvertently helped Camaro win the match.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Whatever its not my concern right now.  And before I go into a long tirade about how I'm gonna win The F'N Rumble and come out on top and get that title shot and yada yada yada.  I'm gonna say this every single superstar who is gonna make a promo is going to be talkin about how their gonna do this or do that and do whatever it takes to come out with that title shot at Wrestle X.  No matter the superstar no matter how big or small.  If winning that match isn't your top priority when you enter the ring Sunday night then you better pack it up , take your ball and go home now.  It's not about your previous or future wins and loss its about that night and going the distance.  So if that isn't your cup of tea don't drink from the cup.  Just stop now.  With that said I'm gonna carry on.  Like I said this Sunday I head into the ring with every single EF'NW superstar from Suicide Hank to Azreal to my own partner Steve Weigel.  No matter who is in there with me its not about partnering up with Weigel or working with him to be the last ones in there.  Its about getting the job done.  About tossing everyone who stands in my way of greatness over the top rope.  Sending them crashing to the floor and shattering there hopes and dreams while I realize mine.  See Steve has dreams of making it to the top of the EF'NW but that's just it.  It's just a dream for him and it always will be.  For years he has lived in a fantasy world.  A world where he has a chance to make it to the mountain top.  But I have known Steve for far too long to know that's just not the case.  When we wrestled in the past against eachother it was always me coming out on top.  No matter the place or the event I was the one with my hand raised in victory.  The outcome on Sunday will be just the same.  Now I'm not saying Steve Weigel won't have a chance in there.  That he won't make it far in the match but just that he won't make it to the end to claim victory.  Steve doesn't have the strategic mind to do that.  He enters things like these with guns blazing like hes Bonnie and Clyde going down in a blaze of glory.  Taking shots wherever he can and hoping that he can toss an unsuspecting wrestler over the top rope.  That's not the way things work in matches like these.  You watch you back and yours only.  You take your shots when you need to.  You help someone take someone out and then you take them out too.  Don't stand around the sides of the ring and keep your guard up.  And if and this is a big if it does somehow come down to me and Weigel in the end.  I'll have no damn problem tossing his ass right out of the ring and onto the floor to get my chance to headline Wrestle X.  But honestly that's enough for a man who probably wont even make it to the end.  Sorry Steve but we all know its true.  Hell I bet Nikki will take you out along with himself.  You two will eliminate eachother and end your dreams.  Or I'll do it.  See Nikky like I said I wasn't part of that bullshit between you and Steve.  My name has been besmirched by you and your buddy Camaro but Johnny has a reason for it.  Both of us have a reason.  You on the other hand with your faggy emo look don't.  I don't care about that your a former champion because your just that a former champ.  It doesn't impress me at all.  I mean Diamond Dogg has your title.  What's that saying?  Not a whole hell of alot.  All it says it that you must royal suck.  You let a white trash son of a bitch take your title.  Damn sucks for you.  So what makes you think that you even stand a chance in The F'N Rumble?  Simple answer is you don't.  Hell you couldn't even manage to beat Steve Weigel a man who has never beaten me.  You had vengance on your side.  Your had pride and honor for Ravenna yet you still couldn't get the job done.  Yeah you beat him pretty good.  Gave him a royal ass whipping but in the end Weigel crawled out victorious not you. That's all that matters.    You and Diamond Dogg are gonna be pretty wiped from your International Title match  and on Sunday when your ass is on the floor that's what will matter too.  But Johnny Camaro you could be a problem though I can say Mack cleared up something for you at Extreme.  Something I was thinking off as well.  You claim to be Christ?  Well Jesus Christ was crucified.  Will that be you on Sunday?  Maybe Johnny you'll be Jesus Christ to my Pontius Pilate.  Pontius may not have wanted to send Jesus to his execution but I on the other hand shall have no qualms.

James stops at a red light looks for a moment before taking a right.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- In The Freedom Hall in Louisville , Kentucky people will feel me beating on them like a Louisville Slugger and tossing them right over the ropes.  I've seen we have new wrestlers like The Rocket , Drew Stevenson and Salman Van Dam and maybe even newcomer El Psicopata could join up into the mix.  To me it doesn't really matter.  I've listened to Drew Stevenson talk about February 7th like he is just gonna walk down enter the rumble match and win it.  He said bank on it I believe?  Yeah I won't put my money down just yet Drew.  You seem to think that a few past accomplishments means alot to people here in EF'NW?  It might to some but not to me.  You'll soon come to face reality that you should've just stayed home cuddled up in bed with your wife back in Misery ... I'm sorry Missouri.  But you want to take a test or make a statement.  Well by all means I invite you whole heartedly to take a chance but prepare to fail.  But its not just for you Drew oh no I'm talking to The Rocket.  You think your gonna blast off to greatness here?  You are gonna fall short like The Soviet space program.  Yuri Gagarin you are not my friend.  I don't care what kind of impact you thought you made.  I must say the stars are not in your future.  Crashing down to earth is more likely.  I saw you talking at the end of Extreme and just because you took out Gabriel that me or anyone else should worry?  What the fuck!  That don't mean jack shit.  The other newbies like El Psicopata I know nothing of except for the fact that he seems to be just another Jeff Hardy imitator.  A high flier who should be easily taken out of the match.  What is he gonna do when he cant climb the turnbuckle to do his moves?  I for one am hoping he does just that so I can toss his ass onto the ground.  That is if he even takes part in it.

Stopping at another light James starts to speak while keeping his foot on the brake.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- But people like The Sandman with all his drunken bravado will be there more than likely already smashed before he enters the match.  No doubt about that.  He'll have his cane with him maybe just get himself a disqualification instead of a title match or even better I can see him knocking his tag partner Murdock out of contention as well.  It's funny Murdock seemed to be going strong almost carried his team through the tag match against me and Diamond Dogg but has been lack luster as of late.  It doesn't bother me in the slightest I just wish he would be putting up more of a fight.  But I guess not.  Then I think about many of the girls in the match.  Numerous ones that I haven't even heard from like Eden St. Claire , Zacky Shadows , Jordan Brooks and Suicide Hank.  I mean are they even aware that they have a chance for a title shot?  Do they just think they need to take part in the rumble match for the hell of it.  If so there in for a rude awakening just like everyone else.  I'm not here to play favorites.  I don't have any.  I'm here to make it to the end and win it all.  There though is one group of people I believe still haven't gotten it through their thick poison filled heads that I don't deal with weak willed people like Steve does....  And that's Ravyn and Midnight and the rest of The Dark Shadow Society.  See you may still be gunning for me to keep me or Steve out of the title picture.  Try to keep us out of the hunt but I'm a Predator and everyone is my prey.  I'm out for the gold and the glory.  And Sunday night I will have my chance and grab it.

Bobby pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Once again though here I stand with my back it seems against the wall.  Some would say I am cornered.  That my arrogance and cocky ways will be my downfall but I say bullshit.  See I am ready and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to be the last man standing in that ring come Sunday night.  Striving , surviving and thriving in the end I shall be the one to claim a title shot a main event at Wrestle X.  Because I Am Boston's Brightest , Boston's Boldest And Most Definitely Boston's Best.

Bobby is seen pulling up to The Owensboro Sports Center letting the camera man out as Boston's Best took off down the street more than likely heading towards Louisville and a shot at glory.

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