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your not the best around here

Started by NBD, April 07, 2023, 09:10:16 PM

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 4:56 PMCopy HTML

The muffled footsteps walking down the corridor of a hotel in Louisville, a day before the big event that rawks this fucking city to life. Mack comes into view, it was his steps heard and he stops at a door, swipes a card and opens it up walking on in. We follow inside and the door shuts, the room has been settled into already, least as much as it can be for the short time he'll be here cause Mack, he don't go back to Detroit often, to his home, he is on the road every damn day....and night! He walks across the rooms, same basic layout as most, ya all know it, so enough. He sits on a chair near a small table, leans back against the wall rest a arm on the chair and one on the table. His girl does not travel with him as much, Whitney, she is with her folks now two hours west, but she spends time on the road. He just sits there in his blue jeans and black sleeved button up shit, no bandana on revealing the purpose for wearing it, a receding hairline, but like his idol, he is content. Mack just stares his brown eyes across the room in a sort of gaze, not seeing anything in front of him, just thinking. His eyes then focus and he flashes a smirk, then buries it and stares to our view of him saying.
Yes, Chris Orton, without a shadow of a doubt, you are not the best that the S...EF'NW has to offer because of one reason...you never beat Mack! You are good, you earned that World Title, you earned respect, you are a champion and you are one of the best, but Chris, you are not the most sought after wrestler on the roster for others to prove themselves against, to target and make a name for themselves and you should be. You should be making sure the World Heavyweight Championship is bigger than any other title in not just S...EF'NW, but among every circuit there is, try to make people compare it to the mainstream, make it the best in the world, c'mon Chris, ya only got one fucking day to do it, just do it!
His manner stays calm and laid back as he continues to speak.
You say you have nothing to prove to me, you don't need to beat me, but Chris, if that were the case, I wouldn't even be here! Fact is, you need to prove yourself a whole lot more than you think. You had a good year last year, you finally got the World strap, ya did it, ya mad....no, ya never made it and that's a fact, a shoot! You won the belt, you held it for a while, lost it, won it back, now your losing it again and Chris, you will not get it back anytime quick, no one will take it from me anytime quick. Wrestle X will not see me lose and yea, tell me I am counting my eggs before the hatch, go on, tell me that and I'll tell you that I have every goddamn right to because there ain't a soul in S....EF'NW that can beat me today or any day in the next few months and that you son of a bitch is a fucking shoot and a half!
He stays calm still, but sits up, keeps his arms rested and stays focused, then speaks again.
I carry this company on my back, always have, and I always will until the day I cannot walk my fucking ass to that ring myself, the day I gotta be carried and I'll know enough to quit, least I hope so cause the future my friends is the most unpredictable entity there is, though some will argue the future is not an entity and it's a good argument, but it fits here, so like it or not, it sticks, just like Mack sticks with the best because he is the best...I am the best among my peers on the S...EF'NW roster. Chris Orton, your going to be let down tomorrow night, your going to be stripped of your gold, you're the one going down son and Mack is going to show you and every single so called wannabe wrestler in S...EF'NW what a real World Heavyweight Champion is all about and ya know if ya don't like it, it don't matter cause ya better get used to seeing Mack as the World Champ again. I tired of sitting by and watching people go over me, letting them go for the so called "good" of the company. I got no problem helping people, working together to create something unique, magical some call it, but letting people go by for "good" of it, its pure fucking bullshit and it ends tomorrow night with Chris Orton. A deserving champion, but not a great champion. Call me an asshole, a prick, a fucking lowlife dickhead, call me every damn name in the book, rewrite a million times if ya have to, but it doesn't matter one bit. I am without a doubt winning tomorrow, winning at Wrestle X and winning for many months this year with the World Heavyweight Title on the line. Call me obsessed with winning, but it would be false for as I said, only when the belt is on the line and I risk losing it will I win because NO ONE can hold a candle to Mack, none of you can even hold my jockstrap, hell, ya can't hold my fathers jockstrap and he never stepped foot in a ring before!
Mack pauses briefly, a smirk forms and he speaks again.
Hardcore rules means anything goes, but to be truly hardcore, you don't need to have a certain set of rules or rather lack of, you simply need to be hardcore, you need to be yourself and go give all you got, never holding back, never letting go of the dream that drives us to be the absolute best we can be! I may be a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but I am one thing consistently to all and that is a man who can go hardcore, go to that seemingly unreachable height and excel, be a success. Chris Orton, you are outmatched against me, you are the underdog for a reason, because Mack is simply the man! I got nothing to prove to you as far as being better, I've done it already here and when I go somewhere else, that is when I have to prove myself over again. In EF'NW I am the man Chris, I am proven time and time again to be the man, so if you wanna be the man, you better beat the man, you better be ready to prove yourself or you will fail!
He stands now and walks forward, we back up as he does and get to the door, Mack stops near the bathroom and leans on the wall, then says with a grin.
Time to go bro, I gotta use the head and I got nothing more to say to Chris unless he feels the need to rattle off some more useless bullshit. If not, then tomorrow night, in the ring, that is when its finished and his run, his time, is over!
Mack steps into the bathroom and nudges the door almost shut. Soon we hear the sound of him pissing right before fading to black.

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