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Revenge Will Be Sweet pt. 2 (Diamond Dogg promo)

Started by The Sandman, April 07, 2023, 09:11:26 PM

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The Sandman

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Date Posted:06/02/2010 8:32 PMCopy HTML

Fade in...

The camera fades in to reveal a shot of Diamond Dogg standing outside the Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. Diamond Dogg lots a little pissed off.

"So Nikky Venom replied huh? Well that was quick. Diamond Dogg didn't except that. Diamond Dogg always saw Venom as a slow poke. Diamond Dogg doesn't underestimate you though. Diamond Dogg knows what your really all about. Your about a bitch. Your not worth anything as a wrestler. Diamond Dogg beat you before, and he'll be you again."

"You make excuses to Diamond Dogg saying that you only lost because of a Triple Threat? Give Diamond Dogg a break! Diamond Dogg has always come into Triple Threat Matches willing and able to deal with both opponents equally. Diamond Dogg has never focused on one and forgotten about the other. You insult Diamond Dogg by saying that he's had his run and thanks for keeping your title warm? You got a lot of balls, Diamond Dogg will grant ya that."

Diamond Dogg pauses to think.

"Diamond Dogg hasn't begun to have his run yet! Diamond Dogg intends a good long run. You were a worthless champion. Diamond Dogg will be far better champion then you ever were. You talk about Diamond Dogg keeping YOUR title warm? Yeah Diamond Dogg kept your title warm. As Diamond Dogg recalls, he burned it in the garbage can. So yeah, your welcome then Nikky Venom. Diamond Dogg was glad to keep your title warm. But you seem to think that Diamond Dogg is the International Champion. Well Diamond Dogg isn't the EFNW International Champion. Diamond Dogg is the SEF Iron Man Champion! So your not getting anything back. Your belt is long gone."

"You talk about us having no weapons? You got it all wrong! We're in an Iron Man Match! So weapons will be brought into play. Diamond Dogg will see to that all manners of weapons are brought into play. If you think we won't have weapons to play with, then your a bigger fool then Diamond Dogg ever thought you were. No Nikky Venom, you started this with the baseball bat, and now your going to reap what you sown. Diamond Dogg is an Iron Man, and he's going to prove it to you."

Diamond Dogg pauses again.

"You talk about Diamond Dogg going back to the bottom of the barrel? Well after Diamond Dogg beats you tomorrow night at Crossing The Line, Diamond Dogg promises you'll never have a shot at his title again. As long as Diamond Dogg is champion, he'll see to it that you never compete for his title again. Diamond Dogg will have his revenge against you. And after Diamond Dogg defeats you tomorrow, denying you any future shot at his title will be the final act of revenge. Diamond Dogg is well known for holding grudges. "

"Cut the camera."

Fade out...

OCC: Sorry for lack of length and quality again. Still not feeling too good. Hopefully I have the flu and I die.

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