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debut del psicópata (crossing the line rp)

Started by Taylor Andrews, April 07, 2023, 09:19:40 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:07/02/2010 5:16 PMCopy HTML

[The true element of surprise, not being known by one person in the company you enter because technically, your not even officially a pro yet, at least not in America. Coming from the southwest of Tombstone Arizona, a town made famous by the famous gunslingers of the old west, Wyatt Earp most notoriously, Doc Holiday, and many more. The town is soaked with the history, but one young kid growing up there distanced himself from such history and dug into wrestling history, soaked up knowledge about something he loved to watch and then went to Mexico and trained, got tossed around, taught how to move, taught how to fly, taught how to wrestle. A mimic of Jeff hardy, his idol, so what?]

[He emerges from the darkness around him in a small room backstage, his face painted in the Mexican flag colors of green, white, and red with the emblem on his forehead and passion in his eyes. He sports a tight black muscle shirt and baggy black jeans, a rag, his long hair colored red and blonde with a little purple in there. This is El Psicopata and he debuts tonight in The F'N Rumble!]

So here I am everyone, right here, right now, ready to go out to that ring and make a statement, make an impact for my career here in the EF'NW! I have no experience in big matches, I have little experience in a ring altogether and none on American soil. A few matches in Mexico is all I have under my belt, I am the rookie in this match, I have it all to prove to every single person in the ring, to everyone on the roster, to management, to the fans, to the whole world and do you want to know something?

[He pauses and brings his hands up pointing a couple fingers to either side of his head, mimicking his idol, then drops his hands and leans back causally.]

I am going to do just that! I will prove to the whole world I belong here, I belong in the world of wrestling. I love this so much. I admit to being hesitant when going down to Mexico to train, I wasn't sure if it was for me, I just knew I loved to watch it so much, I loved to think about it, I loved to mimic who I saw and try to perfect what I saw, so I went and I did not turn back! I fell in love even more and now I want EVEN MORE!

[He looks up shouting that out, then looks back down showing those young, passionate eyes of his.]

I may not win this rumble, I may not even last very long, but I guarantee an impact will be felt by me and everyone will take notice saying "WOW, LOOK AT THE KID GO"! I heard the naysayer's already telling me I am just a kid who knows how to fly and won't make it long, won't last with any of them, I am just a Jeff Hardy rip off! Well guess what, what are you gonna think when this "Jeff Hardy rip off" eliminates you from The F'N Rumble?!

[He glares deep into the camera showing he is ready, he wants to make an impact, he loves wrestling. Call him naïve if you like, but maybe one day you'll have to call him World Heavyweight Champion! Could it be at Wrestle X? Yes it could, but will it be a long, hard road to get there? Yes it will, but whether it's the rumble or just working your way up for months and years, its always a long, hard road and El Psicopata is ready to travel that road to the top because as he said, he loves wrestling!]

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