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They are crosssing the line,but i have already crossed.

Started by SVD, April 07, 2023, 09:23:46 PM

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Date Posted:05/02/2010 4:43 PMCopy HTML


My Words• Okay lets get serious..short but its the thread.
Crossing the line is the upcoming EFNW where superstars are gonna cross the line,but for SVD he has already crossed the line...(tbc by me but laters)


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Re:They are crosssing the line,but i have already crossed.
Date Posted:07/02/2010 5:41 PMCopy HTML

My Words• Okay lets get serious..short but its the thread.

Crossing the line is the upcoming EFNW where superstars are gonna cross the line,but for SVD he has already crossed the line and if you want to know how?Well if you miss the last night Extreme where SVD make his unexpected but rumoured return to the company and not just made a return but came in Mack's aid.Both are  getting quite close friend .SVD resigned with EFNW just a few days before this rumble match was announced.Mack personally contacted SVD and ask if he wants to come back."Hey Mack,Sure I would happy to be on the show".That was the answer from the Hardcore legend and since then rumours,promos ,spoilers and certain segments begins to air on every week of Extreme,but then the last Extreme before the PPV SVD made a gigantic return,helping his friend Mack,and after the show went off air he commented,"I came here to help Mack and thats why i am back"


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