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Fighting God - Extrme Promo - Extreme Challenge

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 10:17:09 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:10/02/2010 1:48 PMCopy HTML


People Mentioned - Mack , Steve Weigel , Chris Orton , SVD , Jordan Brooks , Johnny Camaro , Nikky Venom and Diamond Dogg

Last Sunday somethings went as expected and somethings didn't.  The show itself Crossing The Line was an overall ratings success not that the first Pay Per View of the new year for the newly named EF'NW would have done otherwise.  The main event at Wrestle X was secured by Jordan Brooks a returning superstar who had competed in the SEF and now is set to take his place in EF'NW but the fans would also find out who Brooks would be facing in the main event of the flagship Pay Per View when Mack would go on to defeat Jordan Brooks to regain the World Championship.  And we would see Nikky Venom and Diamond Dogg square off in a thirty minute Iron Man match which ended in a .....

Suddenly the cameras focus was centered on a rather relaxed Bobby James who for all intent and purpose seemed to be boasting a rather sly smile on his face while sitting down on a folding chair leaning back with his head against the wall.  Sighing a bit while putting his hands behind his head he stretches his feet out. 

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Ahhh I think by now everyone has tired about hearing how there is now an Iron Man Championship with Diamond Dogg is now the champion or still is the champion or some bullshit like that.  And Nikky Venom in all his emo glory is a US Champion now or some shit because neither one of those two could manage to come out on top in the end.  So instead of just making it Sudden Death like a fans wanted Dicky Dangerously decides to make to champions of both men.  If you can call either one of them champions or men for that matter.  But simply do either one of them matter?  Diamond Dogg would rather molest animals and overpaid overaged prostitutes and Nikky Venom spends more time pinning about Megan Sorrows and what type of mascara goes with purple than about their actual matches.  But whatever like Diamond Dogg knows its not over between us.  Not by a long shot and I'm sure its not over between Weigel and Venom either.

Just as the word either is being spoken Bobby James lowers his feet and rises himself up from the chair to walk towards the door as he puts his hand on a poster.  It reads " The Predators " in green lettering with Bobby James and Steve Weigel both on it. With his back to the camera Bobby can barely be seen smiling for a moment as he punches the picture of Weigel and starts to laugh a bit.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Ha ha ha.  Speaking of Steve Weigel.  My partner , my friend.  God damn it Stevie.  You almost got me but like all the other times before you fell just before the goal line.  You had the ball but couldn't get that touchdown.  Your kinda like The Rams trying to get a win.  By going at me it ended right before the final yard.  But I'll tell you one thing.  You have heart you gave it to me.  You hit me with Your Suicide.  You did what had to be done.  Just like I would have done.  And I am proud to call you a friend and my tag partner.

James pauses for a moment looking at the poster.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- I heard Mack talking about how your not a legend.  And yeah to an extent I can agree with Mack.  To me Burnout was a good wrestler but he wasn't a legend.  He spent more time worrying about getting high then about who was around the corner laying in wait.  He says your not a legend.  And again I can say I agree.  Your a good wrestler.  No scratch that at one point you were a great wrestler but I don't think you were a legend either.  See being a legend to me means being remembered throughout history.  In wrestling there are few legends.  You can say rightfully so that a legend of wrestling would be people like Gotch and Hackenschmidt , Lou Thesz and Ed " Strangler " Lewis.  And in the years to come someone like Hulk Hogan and even Ric Flair might be considered to be legends.  But no Steve next to them your not a legend.  Its not a cut down at a friend its just the truth.  Much like this is the truth.

James turns back facing the camera and smirks but does so in a calculating manner.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Mack or Shane Mack or God apparently as you think you are rightfully entitled to be called are certainly not God and you are also not a legend.  What makes you think that you are a legend?  Or a God?  The fact that you won championships for a company you worked for?  For a company you ran at one point?  Yeah that makes a legend.  It truly makes a God.  Shane Mack the man beyond reproach.  You talked about how big you are , how you are so much more than everyone in this company.  That's a laugh.  You say that you can do it without SVD because he was a hanger on?  And Chris Orton shouldn't be teaming with a man who destroyed him?  Then I say do it.  I mean your better than Jesus Christ right?  I remember how you exited the ring on Sunday night and water filled the aisle way and you walked right on top of it.  How the Angels sang your praises and a shower of gold fell all around you.

James raises his eye a bit and goes on.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James --  Really?  Your above God and above reproach well maybe just according to your heightened sense of ego and self worth.  I don't see it that way.  I see it as just another opponent in the ring.  No better or worse than me.  You can deny it all you want Mackie but that's all you really are is just another wrestler who's made it.  Yeah I'll say it.  You have made it to the top of The SEF and The EF'NW.  You reclaimed The World Championship.  You got the top spot for right now.  But if your so great and God-like what about all the times you've lost that championship?  Or do you just forget about that?  I guess its water under the bridge when you get it back?  Mack your arrogance will be your undoing.  Just remember " Pride Comes Before The Fall ".  Or in other words maybe I can dumb it down for you to understand.  You know give it to you in layman's terms Your Like A Rooster Who Thinks The Sun Rises To Hear You Crow. " 

Laughing a bit he goes on speaking while looking directly at the camera.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Yeah Mack arrogance surrounds you much like it does me but I can see the forest for the trees.  I can see the big picture.  I know you have fear in you know matter how much you try to hide it behind weed smoke and big talk about how you are above all others.  My big picture involves Diamond Dogg and his Iron Man Championship.  Like I had stated earlier me and him aren't done.  Not by an inch or by a mile.  Me and Camaro.  Were not done either.  He cost me championship gold last week at Extreme.  He thinks its over he can think again.  But I know Johnny want's gold just as badly as I do.  So he can get real gold instead of that fake shit he wears.  So Diamond Dogg I want you to listen up and listen good.  Next week at Extreme.  Me and you for a rematch.  I may have won from disqualification but you still have the belt.  That doesn't set right in my stomach and I bet a cheap victory like that won't settle right with you.  So what do you say Dogg?  You and me Iron Man match Hardcore Rules for your new championship?  I'm sure you have the balls I know I do.  And Johnny maybe if I capture that gold we can go at it and end it for good.  No second chances no regrets.  If I beat Diamond Dogg and do what Nikky Venom couldn't.  If I walk out with the championship.  Then at the next Pay Per View its me and you for it.  Yeah I see the big picture.  I can see beyond the tip of my nose.  But Mack you either can't or won't  You want to walk in with no protection I say go for it.

Turning back towards the poster of " The Predators " Boston's Best taps on the lettering.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Your stepping into the ring with the best tag team in EF'NW today.  The Predators aren't here to play nice or even play around.  No were here to fight.  Were here to hunt.  Were here for our prey.  And come Extreme Mack our sights will be set on you.  Your kinda like the fat kid in the pie eating contest in " Stand By Me ".  You bit off more than you can chew.  Not only are you gonna be taking on the best tag team walking the earth but your taking on Jordan Brooks the man who won The F'N Rumble on Sunday.  The man that will face you at Wrestle X.  A man who you attacked with your belt.  I'm sure hes looking for revenge for redemption tonight. But I want to ask you something if your such a God Mackie then why take the cowards way out?  Maybe you sense the fear of losing what you have just gained back or maybe you just want it to always be about you?  You need that spotlight center stage on you alone.  Maybe that's why you need to wrestle the match alone.  Because then if you win your a hero a God as you would say but if you fail you can brag about how you stood up to three men by yourself.  Either way Mack you want to make it a win win situation for yourself and I can't stomach that.  So you better be prepared to get what's coming to you from us.  Take your medicine and swallow it up.  It sure will have a bitter taste.

Bobby James starts to laugh a bit as he walks towards the door opening it quickly and slamming it shut behind him while the camera fades out to a commercial for FedEx.


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