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universal6 star tag team

Gotta be carefull[Sorry Short Again]

Started by SVD, April 07, 2023, 11:07:10 PM

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Date Posted:16/02/2010 12:10 PMCopy HTML

My Words• Okay lets get serious..short but its the thread.
Extreme is right around the corner and what a main-event they have this week,as SVD will be teaming up with the World Champion Shane Mack ,along with Mack's championship to be on the line in this unique tag team match up.It is reported that if even SVD gets pinned,Mack loses his title.So SVD has to be really really care full and as we speak,SVD was walking backstage when he saw Shane Mack standing their infront of his championship.SVD shaked his hands with him and smiled,"GOOD LUCK,SVD".SVD nods as Shane said it."I hope you make sure I have my title in tact",SVD nods again,"Anyway lets go".With that both begins to head towards the ring for the match,as scene fades.


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