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Stepping Up Or Stepping Back?! - An Extreme RP

Started by Bobby James, April 07, 2023, 11:42:10 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:16/02/2010 10:45 PMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
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With the camera coming into focus outside of The Manchester Evening News Arena there is a giant scrolling LCD sign that reads " LIVE TONIGHT SOLD OUT! - EF'NW 8TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW - WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AND WORLD TAG TITLES ON THE LINE - US CHAMPIONSHIP NUMBER 1 CONTENDER MATCH - SOLD OUT!...SOLD OUT!! "  Panning down a bit the camera comes onto the face of Bobby James as he pulls back the hooded sweatshirt that is keeping the rain off of his head to look up at the scrolling announcement for The EF'NW'S anniversary show.  A program that will give him a chance to get to championship gold.  A match that Steve Weigel says he doesn't want to win.  But one that from the look on Bobby James face he isnt quite buying that one bit.  The rain splattering lightly against his forehead is of no concern to Bobby James yet what is will be happening shortly tonight.  While the rain continues to poor down he starts to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Ahhh I had forgotten just how dreary the Manchester weather can be , hell how dreary it always is for that matter.  But tonight through the rain whether some people think of it as a cleansing agent or just as a source of life we will fight.  Just like the rain I've seen from motel to hotels to just driving the country looking forward to my next match.  See fighting and the rain are a constant with me and with The Predators in general.  Its funny that you say your not gonna fight me.  Gonna just lay down for me?  A few days ago you wanted to beat me down.  Prove that we were equals.  That Steve Weigel could get in the squared circle with Bobby James and show that no matter what you could go the limit with me.  See Steve when I was wrestling as Da Show or even Danny Diamond I never backed down from a fight.  Back in The UWF me and Joe Daddy tore down the house off and on for years when we were teaming up or when we were going at eachothers throats.  It didn't matter about breaking us up because we always knew that our friendship outside of the ring would survive.  And it did.  And I'll tell you what it'll be the same tonight.  See I know you just like I know your brother.  Sometimes too well ha ha.  We all know that just because management wants us to perform against eachother that they wont break us down.  Were bigger men than that.  I know you are and I certainly know I am too.  Don't think for one minute that I'm gonna back down and I won't think about you doing it either.  But I do stand here only wondering why the sudden change of heart , friend?

Bobby turns leaning against the side of the arena while the camera focuses back on him.

" Boston's Best " -- What is that shit Steve?  Seriously?  Your gonna just let me have the win?  Take the number one contendorship right out of your hands without a fight?  So what do you want me to say that I'm gonna swagger down the aisle kick you in the gut and lay you out with The Highlight?  I'll just take you out because your gonna let me push you over.  Uh-uh I don't think so Weigel.  I don't buy it and further more I don't like it one bit.  Not at all.  You sit there and say that you'll let me win?  What about honor and respect for the business we love? Or is that just me?  You want to talk about letting me have the win.  That you don't want a fight between us to be the straw that breaks the camels back.  Well if a simple fight in EF'NW can break us up then so be it.  If you think that little of The Predators that we can't survive a single match against eachother then you don't really know what I'm all about.  Like I had stated earlier me and you brother fought numerous times and it never broke us apart.  One week we might be facing off and the next teaming up but the end was one of us would win and the other would lose.  End of story.  What about you though?  If you regard our partnership as meaning that little then that's on you buddy.  I'll tell you what though you not coming into that match and giving me one hundred percent.  Taking me to my physical limit in the ring tonight.  If you don't do that then Steve that would be more of a slap in the face than you taking a dive to benefit me.  I implore you to think it over.  You know that's not what I want at all.  And I'm more than certain that the drive to compete.  That desire to win is truly burning inside of you as well.  So trust me when I say it Steve.  Give me every damn thing you have or don't even bother to get in the ring.  Were The Predators not the prey.  Don't you ever forget that.  We do not back down a fight.  No matter the case.  Period.

Walking down towards the back of the building he starts to speak again.

" Boston's Best " -- Ha ha you want me to stay out of you and your brothers business but your the one that brought him up to me not the other way around Steve.  See you know for a fact that Joe doesn't even hardly watch wrestling and when he does he usually just skips through shit on his DVR.  So you shit talking him isn't really helping your cause all that much now is it?  It's not like he is gonna join up after years of inactivity because Steve Weigel calls him a bitch once or twice.  Sure he may still have the fighting spirit deep within him but its up to him to decide if and when he wants to make another stand with The Predators not up to his older brother.  But don't tell me to stay out of it because I won't.  See to me friends are just as important in life as family is sometimes more.  The saying goes as you said blood is thicker than water.  But ponder this for a moment if you will.  With family members you don't have a choice in who you have to be involved with but in regards to friends you do.  When it comes to friends there a choice.  You make a personal choice in who to be involved with , hang with and care about.  There ya go buddy I involved myself because I made a choice years ago to be friends with the two of you and if you don't like that.  Well to bad Jack.

Coming up to a few fans behind the building he pushes through them and pretty much ignores there pleads for some autographs.  Turning back facing the small group of fans arrogantly smiling he speaks directly at them.

" Boston's Best " -- Tonight is a big night here in EF'NW.  What used to be is now not.  A new dawn is here and you lucky fans shall see two of the newest stars going at one another.  " Boston's Best " Bobby James and " The Legendary " Steve Weigel.  That is if Steve decides not to disrespect me and actually compete for a shot at The US Championship.  See what you peons fail to understand is that the fight is more important than the partnership.  Many of you just like Steve think that one simple fight will end us.  Tonight I'm here.  I'm getting in that right and I am fighting Steve Weigel.  And if he is the man I trust him to be then he will to.

Turning back from the crowd he pulls one of the back entrance doors open as one of the security guards moves to the side.  Pushing through the back hallways Boston's Best starts to speak again.

" Boston's Best " -- Steve yeah sometimes I laughed and still laugh at you over your constant misgivings over the opposite sex. I have to admit that when you ask me questions like what a submissive person is or what a dp is or even what a Strawberry Shortcake is I either laugh at you or hold back a laugh.  I just can't help it.  I'm sorry.  But and this is true when it comes to wrestling and in ring ability you've always had a certain jenasaqua.  Face it you had the right stuff.  Well out of the ring with the ladies you didn't.  You didn't have a reason for doubt you just didn't have it with them.  I guess I would attest it to naivety and gullibility on your part or the fact that you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve.  Which is why I again think its one of the reasons you don't want to fight with me tonight.  You think that you won't be able to handle your feelings if you and I put it all on the line against eachother.  That it could break The Predators apart but that's not the case.  Maybe you are afraid of failure.  But you've lost before so don't let this be any different.  A loss to a friend...a brother is nothing to fill anyone with shame. Do you think Bret Hart was filled with shame at Wrestlemania X when Owen beat him?  Hell no.  In fact it is considered one of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history and was even in the Bret Hart DVD.  Think about that its wrong to take away something that could live on like that.  We have the intangibles that could make a show more than just a simple wrestling program.  Do you really want to give me a walkout victory at EF'NW's eighth anniversary show?  I know I don't want that and I certainly hope you aren't even considering it after you hear what I have been saying to you.

Turning a corner Bobby pulls the door open to a room which says " The Predators " on it.  Pulling off his hooded sweatshirt he tosses it onto the tan couch and plops down on the other part of the couch.  Leaning over he opens the mini-fridge and pulls out a bottle of water and undoes the top to take a long drink.  Leaning back he starts to crack his neck and speaks some more.

" Boston's Best " -- For the past week you've been saying that you couldn't beat , that you wouldn't fight me , that you would fight me , that you were gonna show me up and step up.  Which is it Weigel?  Your like a politician Steve.  Flip-flopping all over the place.  Its not becoming of you.  Stay the course.  Do what you say your gonna do.  Do the right thing.  Get in that ring and get that title shot if you can.  If you can't its one loss.  That's all be a man , be a friend be my opponent.  Just don't bitch out.  You talked about DX being the best tag team ever well see we disagree there.  I think it is The Road Warriors , The British Bulldogs , The Hart Foundation , The Fabulous Freebirds hell even The Rock n Roll Express was better than them in my opinion but since we disagree does that mean that were not partners anymore?  Hell no it doesn't.  Sure Triple H and HBK fought off and on for a few years but that was when he came back at first but they became friends again.  That's just how the wrestling business is.  Your a man so take a stab at me and get the match going.  Don't even do it for me.  Do it for yourself.  Do it for the money like we used to.  Hell I know I shouldn't bring it up but I have to maybe its my intense desire to compete but what about your financial situation Steve?  You had to sell two of your NRA Prankster Titles to get by for a year.  I found out through Joe.  You were too proud to turn to me for help then.  Now your too proud to fight me?  In the end its a business and its a financial situation that you can not and should not pass up on.  The bigger the events , the bigger the paycheck and you know that Steve.  When your a champion no matter if its the lowest championship , to a mid-level one to the top of the top which your boy Mack is now holding.  The champion always gets that paycheck.  They always gets the higher bank roll.  So you now what don't do it for me at all do it for yourself.  Get into that ring and prove to yourself above all others that you can win it.  Bring home the bacon.  You can't get paid without competing Steve.

Bobby takes a deep drink of his water placing the bottle back down onto the table and he looks at the camera once again smirking.

" Boston's Best " -- Win or lose Steve this is about The Predators.  Management knows one of us is going to win.  One of us.  Not both of us yet who wins will go on to face Nikky Venom a guy neither one of us has an ounce of respect for.  How can I respect a man who cries and whines behind a cloud of mascara.  What is it he says " He live while the whole world dies? "  Come on dude what kind of bull-shit is that?  Some emo fagot shit.  Everyone has it tough.  Cheech and Chong said it best things are tough all over.  Life's a bitch , deal with it.  In the end The Predators are on the prowl and Nikky Venom will be our prey.  But see Steve its just not about Nikky its about Johnny Camaro too.  See tonight I think that The Infected will come out on top in their steel cage match with Emmett Murdock and The Sandman.  I think they will be the World Tag Champions and in time they shall become our rivals and the former Tag Champions if you get my drift.  See we will take their Tag Titles and The US Title from Venom.  The Predators will be on the prowl.  And it starts tonight.  Yet remember this Steve walk away or stay and fight.  It's your move.  What's it gonna be?

Bobby looks away from the camera bringing once again the bottle to his mouth as he takes another long drink of the water.  Finishing it off he tosses it into a nearby trash can but stands up quickly looking for something.  Grabbing his keys he heads out the door in a hurry.  The camera fades out.  Moments later he is in a local .

" Boston's Best " -- Shit man I need a quick bite to eat.

A man of about twenty approaches him at the counter a guy with a heavily pimpled face.  The fast food grease is doing nothing for the guys complexion.  Bobby looks at the name tag and has to stifle a laugh because it reads " Steven ".  Bobby just shakes his head.  Steve looks confused.

" Burger King " Steve -- How can I help ya , mate?

" Boston's Best " -- Not really sure.  It looks like there's not but slop around here?  Dirty restaurant...dirty city.

" Burger King " Steve -- Hey mate quit talking about me city.  And me place of employment.  It be a great place to work ye daft yankee.

" Boston's Best " -- Whatever I guess its as good as place for snot-nosed useless pimply faced fools.  But whatever just give me two of those double cheese burgers ya got ready , mate.

Burger King Steve turns back to get the burgers while Bobby tosses five pounds down onto the counter top.  Bobby quickly grabs the bag and rushes off.  He stops Bobby calling out.

" Burger King " Steve -- Oy mate you left to much sterling 'ere.

" Boston's Best " -- Oy keep it fella.  Your complexion seems to need it more than me.  Got some advice for ya.  Get out while you still can or otherwise your gonna turn around one day and be damn near thirty years old and still flipping burgers and baggin those ye old fries up.

" Burger King " Steve -- Aye I keep telling meself that every damn day.  Every damn day.

" Boston's Best " -- And keep telling yourself that too but act on it.

With that said Bobby James pops the drivers side of his Dodge Charger tossing the bag onto the next seat and revving the engine up while he speeds back towards the arena while the camera fades out to a Netflix commercial.
This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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