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simply the best - challenges/extreme promo

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Date Posted:19/02/2010 12:13 AMCopy HTML

We see him climb into the back of a limo at an arena and shut the door. The view switches inside from a handheld camera view and we see Shane Mack sitting there in his jeans and grey t-shirt, World Title laying next to him. He just looks out the window, then turns looking at the camera and says.
An exciting night it was on Tuesday, hell of a fucking show and why oh why was it so great?
He flashes a smirk and says.
Because Shane Mack was on the show, because I once again made the show what it is and without me this company wouldn't even exist. Argue it, go ahead, people argue anything no matter how redundant they are, but fact is, there would be EF'NW, EFW, EFNW, S E F, nothing, this company would not exist without my presence because had it I never camera it wouldn't have made it a year. That is undisputable and Johnny Camaro, Nikky Venom, Chris Orton, and Gabriel Brooks, I hope you four tear each other to shreds next week. I shouldn't have even been in such a bullshit match last week with two ignorant pieces of shit...
Mack puts his window down and hacks a big one outside, then outs it back up and says.
STD or SVD or whoever he is, a waste of my time, fuck him. I took him out because that was my only option, I don't trust him to wrestle with my title on the line. As for Dogg, he was on his way out, he deserved what he got and Chris Orton, you got his title, but you don't got mine and you never will again. A bold statement, but one I can back up unlike you. Until ya beat me son, ya won't even be number one and you ain't beating me, your not in my league, at my level, your lowly. I may be a lowlife living the highlife, but Chris, your just a lowly rung on the ladder, weak and ready to fall off and when you execute your rematch for my title, I will kick you all the way down to the bottom. Ya know Chris, maybe if you think you got a chance, then maybe you want to put up that new European Title of yours, huh Chris?
Mack gets a big grin now and says.
C'mon Chris, claim your rematch, put up your title, make the match bigger, title for title, its all on the line and since you think you know hardcore, but want this one on one, then lets do a hell in a cell, nothing fancy, just a big fucking roofed cage trapping only the two of us inside to beat each other to hell! What do ya say Chris, I'm making the challenge now because I want you down and out, but the only one who has to prove themselves is still you, that's just a fact.
He pauses and looks over and down at his title, then back up and says.
Now Gabriel, you and I got a date at Wrestle X and I got something of a challenge for you as well and it goes like this. Were gonna be in Japan, Tokyo Dome, my turf, the place I spent a few years busting my ass, learning my craft and where I will retain my World Heavyweight Title!
Mack pulls the belt up on his lap and taps the gold plate with his fingers and says.
A Deathmatch Gabriel, you and I, one on one in what is labeled a Japanese Deathmatch, but since we'll be in Japan, its just a fucking Deathmatch...THE Deathmatch! What do ya say Gabriel, ya wanna dance with true master, the man who can?!
He smirks and stills taps his title and says.
The Infection, Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom, two kids in the right place at the right time, but that gold boys, it won't last, it won't stay around your waists because unlike me, you do not have the ability for longevity. You want to stick your noses in my business, huh Johnny, ya wanna talk down to me when you don't have a clue about me, well what I've done so far is the tip of an iceberg that would have sunk the titanic on impact. Your looking the wrong way when ya look my way because Johnny, ya might have stepped up once a little while back, but if we meet again, if you step in the ring with Shane Mack, your not gonna get help, your just gonna get owned because I can do it!
He looks serious and just continues.
Now Steven Weigel and I get to face off next week in a street fight and per his request, no title on the line. Bobby James, his tag partner, he is the referee, so a two on one, who knows? I noted when accepting the challenge that it could end up that way, however, we all have our hidden agendas, plans to get over one on the other guy. Title or not on the line, Shane Mack lays down for nobody, absolutely nobody, so Steve Weigel, prepare to accept your role because after next Wednesday your gonna not be the same, nothing will be the same again!
He smirks now and says.
I do not need to win to prove a damn thing to you or anybody, but I will win because I am simply superior than anyone in this goddamn company, ANYONE!
He gets serious again and says.
I fucking mean that too, I am the best there is on this roster today and that's a shoot brothers. I run my ass off all over the world, I work every show, EVERY one of them which is every night, wrestling is my bloodline, I know nothing else the magnitude of this sport. From being tortured in the Dungeon, to being thrown around in Mexico to being brutalized in Japan I learned a lot right and over the years I applied it all and learned even more. Shane Mack has been around the bock once or twice, he knows how to get the job done, how to carry anyone in that ring because he made a habit out of it for years upon years, part of his legacy.
And he grins now, then says.
I am not laying down nor am I gonna get out down. I am standing tall over your unconscious body as your tag team partner raises my hand in the air unless of course he pays the obvious card and I gotta put him down too, oh well. If he or you or anyone thinks I can't, then ya better get a fucking clue as to who Shane Mack is cause its obvious very few remotely know a damn thing!
Mack pats his title and looks past the camera view and says.
Put that thing down and come over here, I gotta "bone" to pick with ya!
Mack grins and pulls a joint from his ear as the camera now shuts off and the view fades to black.

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