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promo from a pub for Extreme

Started by NBD, April 08, 2023, 12:35:39 AM

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Date Posted:22/02/2010 12:00 PMCopy HTML

So here we be sitting in a pub somewhere being filmed from a handheld camcorder and Shane Mack sees at a booth near the back avoiding the general public somewhat and just decked out as usual, basic ol' clothes, so get a clue or fuck off. He just sat back ready to spill some shit, so shut up and listen up.
Years and years and years I have done this Steven, always has there been room for anyone and everyone to step up and some have, but when they step down, its always Shane Mack to the fucking rescue and people bitch when I am on top, oh, Mack don't deserve it, Mack has pull with management, Mack sucks, well yea Steven, I like how you put it, I've said it before, they are jealous of my superior talent!
He grins big now and then continues.
See, I have a hard time believing I am holier than thou. I don't doubt what I can do because I proved I can outperform everyone on the roster, I proved it for eight years, back to that, but think about how long that is in wrestling time, time that really moves on faster than you can imagine. A year in wrestling is like living five just settled down somewhere, relaxing and ya know I wouldn't change it for anything. If ya don't know, well then ya prove my point true!
He smirks all smug like now and just continues.
So many men and women have stepped their asses up over the years, maybe not always World Title winners, but we've seen many people step up over the course of eight years, but no one...NO ONE...as done what I have yet all I have had the same opportunity to do so. Most recently was Chris Orton!
Mack looks serious now and says.
Four years ago he came in here and did ok, had a good feud with my friend Michael McMoney and very briefly had a run in with myself that year. We worked together a little, mostly last year and now just in these past weeks, but that is because I stepped away from the main picture of this company, I did what I had never done before, I stayed here and kept myself down to see if maybe that would let others shine. I still worked with them and I helped them, but what happened, what the fuck happened?
He looks almost mad now, then just laughs and says.
This company had a bad downfall, it sunk low, ratings pummeled, the roster looked like a street during an ol' western gunfight, tumbleweed a blowing everywhere, no one in sight, but a couple people to keep it going and I was always one of them. I should have never stepped down to let others shine because fact is, you either do or ya don't, I don't stop ya and I never have, no one can. If you got the talent in you to be the man, then you will. Shane Mack ain't never stopped no one, all I did was encourage, push, hell, ya wanna real goddamn shoot. If I ever used pull with management, it was to help others get over, so there ya go assholes!
Mack just looks down to the table and now says.
Where to begin, so lets begin with Rapid, Johnny X, Michael McMoney, Strife, Red Static, Andrew Velzian, The Dudley Boyz, David Blade, Whitney Marret, The Sandman, even Matt Matlock.
Mack looks up now and continues.
All those people were allowed to step up, I had no control of what they did and some, they shot high and made it, well others did not. Rapid, Johnny, McMoney, Bubba and Spike, Whitney, they all made it, Sandman, maybe to an extent, although he was a made man anyways. Strife, Static, Velzian, D-Von, Blade, and Matlock, they never made it and because they couldn't hang here. Strife, Static, and Blade are all former World Champs here, but neither one lasted very long, none of them stepped up as champ, just rode it out and faded away, just like the Velzian, D-Von, and Matlock, all of them could have been made, they could have been somebody, but never wanted to give their all for this company. Even the ones who were made didn't give half as much as I have!
Mack looks across the table, not at the camera, and says.
Its not a knock on you or any of them baby, just the truth, its choices people make and you did enough if that's your desire to do what ya did. They all did enough for their own desires if that's all they wanted to do, but so many of them lay claim to things they never did and it burns me, it eats me alive, it sickens me because while I stay here and bust my ass, they are believed. I have some issues with these jealous pieces of shit and should they ever step back into this company, those issues will be dealt with and anyone who uses their name in reference to someone made here or even calls them a legend, then I will disprove it real quick because first, to call someone made or a legend, YOU better be able to prove it!
Mack brings his arms up on the table resting them, his fingers tap the table some and he now looks up smirking.
We've done the respect card Steven, and yea, this match is more than likely gonna make us give more respect to the other, but so what? That has been noted, that is a given, it is a fact...in any match, like it or not. Respect is always earned whether people wanna show it or not, otherwise they wouldn't be in a pro wrestler.
He sighs and looks ready to wrap it up and says.
I ain't ever gonna stop helping people and with the potential we got of the roster today, I should have good chance of finding some top stars, but someone of my caliber?
He thinks for a second, rubs his chin and just grins.
Run here for eight years straight without a goddamn glitch and you'll be Shane Mack, problem is, I got more than eight years to go even more, I got at least fifteen left or more, I can go on all night long until the break of dawn stronger than you can imagine and if none of ya believe that, just ask your girl!
He winks now and laughs as the camera is set down, then the view fades to black.

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