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My Suicide...The End...

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, April 08, 2023, 12:40:45 AM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:23/02/2010 5:36 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

Rain is falling from the sky and lighting rumbles in the background. The sky is full of clouds as the scene opens. No one is out in the park. Yet one man in sitting on a bench in the park getting rain on. Its coming down hard as the camera gets a close up of Steve Weigel. Steve is wearing a black hoody and black jeans. He has his sun glasses on even thou there is no sun out at all. As the camera gets up close he takes a pair of headphones out of his ears and smirks a bit before saying.

Steve Weigel - I'm sitting out here in the rain thinking about everything. My life and my career. Two things that mean alot to me.I was sitting here listening to Eminem beautiful and thinking. I prey everyday and it seems like god doesn't answer any of them. I'm just so fucking depressed over everything. I don't see me doing anything else. I feel like I'm done with wrestling and life altogether. Night after night I give it my all in and out of the ring. To be a better wrestler and a better person. But truth is I'm done with this bullshit hand I have been deal with. But I need to talk about a couple of things first. I need to talk to Shane and bob. I also need to talk to Amy and Megan and Nikky. I also want to talk to Vikki and say something to my teacher hopefully he is watching...Burnout!

Steve reaches into a bag a pulls out a thridy eight special. He sits the gun on his lap and looks into the camera crying a bit.

Steve Weigel - But first this is to all the fans that loved me or hated me. Thanks for all the fun. It was one hell of a ride. I gave it everything to make it where I did and it wasn't enough. Now I sit here about to do the unthinkable. I know this is the easy way out. But I'm no better then you guys. If I had to do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing. You guys are what made the name of Steve Weigel not me. See my dad is so dumb. Gave me a gun because my next door guy is crazy and has tried to break in. But now its getting put to used. See all I ever wanted in life was to be loved and day after day I get my heart broke. I'm tried of hurtting. Inside and out. I just want you fans to know I really do love you and thanks for the best ten years of my life.

Steve wipes the tears from his eyes, but they keep coming. The rain keeps pouring down harder and harder.

Steve Weigel - Now a couple of days ago I did a promo to the roster. I messed up on something. See first Vikki claim to be a Trans, but she desided to change her mind. So I'm guess she cant pick which one she wants to be. I also said that it had to because of daddy issues. I was wrong for saying that. At least she can be herself. Girl if you want to be something else dont let others stop you. But I'm telling you this now your messing up going after Amy Summers and Megan Sorrow. I understand you want to make a name for yourself. But Amy isn't coming back... And Megan Sorrow is beautiful and your wrong for calling her a emo. She is also one hell of a wrestler. But do whatever and dont ever listen to me...

Steve stops crying and takes off the glasses.

Steve Weigel - Nikky why are you doing this? See I think you treat megan like a dog. I should have took her from you bitch. But I do have something good to say about you even thou it hurts me to say it. You gave me one hell of a match dude. Even thou I won I think we both won. You won my respect. You showed me you weren't a jobber. And I'm telling you this now. You better bring it all facing bob. You better bring more then him. Because bob will take that championship from you. Bob is one hell of a wrestler and best friend and if you look past him he will beat you. Just like he did to me last week. Nikky start treating her right or god help you I will come back to haunt your ass from the after life.

Steve looks around watching the rain fall for a second before talking again.

Steve Weigel - Burnout! The Legend. My Teacher. I'm sorry I couldn't be what you seen in me. You never gave up on me. Even when I didn't want help you force me to see the truth. You were always there for me. Thanks for being there for me. Thanks for teaching me everything you knew. Thanks for being the legend you are in my eyes. I'm just sorry we never got our match against each other. Thanks for all the moments and memorys in No Rocks Allowed. But fuck you for closing the doors man. Just kidding man. But I do miss those days as The Pranksters Champon. Holding that title was better them winning the world title in UWA. I think because you help me to get to that point. I will truely miss you man...

Now a tear starts to roll down Weigels face again.

Steve Weigel - Amy Summers, The beautiful Amy Summers. To bad your not going anywhere in EF'NW now. What were you thinking going down on Megan Sorrow? Hell I know she is hot and your into that, but you just got here. Its not lady like hunny. But now your gone too. This sucks but has to happen. I brong you in here have so much plans for you now its over just like that. But no one in here will remember us in a week or so. See were nothing special. Just two losers tring to make it in a world where there is no room for us. I'm sorry I got you into this. It would have been better if I never brong you in at all. But then what fun would have that been? Yeah whatever take care sweety.

Steve looks at the ground for a second and then back into the camera. Tears are now falling from his eyes like crazy.

Steve Weigel - Steve Sr. My daddy. Yeah he puts me down alot but at least he is there for me. I wanted you to hear this from my mouth. I love you. Growing up I always wanted to be a daddy like you and I got that wish. But my kids can do better then me. So I want you to raise my kids for me. Don't give them to pam. She will treat them bad. They need someone like you. I wish I could have been a better son. I'm sorry for all the pain your going to feel but I have to do this. I have tried it in the past, but this time there is no saving me. I know you will feel bad about giving me the gun. Tell mom I love her and I'm sorry. Hell I guess this will be the last time we talk. So bye daddy.

Steve still crying as it starts raining harder.

Steve Weigel - Joe Daddy aka Joe Weigel. What was I thinking calling you a bitch. Your my brother and blood is thicker then water. I'm ashame of myself now. See bob was right when I was out living the good life everynight you were getting married and starting a family. Then bad health kick in and now your unable to wrestle. Thanks for bringing me into this business. Thanks for making me tough. Thanks for being Joe Daddy and my little brother. I'm sorry its ending this way and I know you dont need this but its for the best. You know my feelings are hurt so much. I remember growing up no one could fuck just with one of us. Because we always had each others back. I'm sorry I cant be there for you now. I love you bro.

Steve wipes away the tears one more time holding back more crying before speaking.

Steve Weigel - Shane Mack the man of EF'NW or was SEF. I'm sorry that this match wont take place now. It would have been one hell of a match. Your one of the best in the business today. But I will not call you a legend because I know you hate that word. I do believe deep down I could have gave you a great match or even beaten you but we will never know now. Hell I had so much to look forward to when I enter here. I was going to take the world championship and run with it. But now I will never will find out if I can beat you for the world championship. Just promise me one thing you never give up. Keep your dream going and never give that championship up to anyone.

Steve starts to cry again as it pours down on him.

Steve Weigel - Bob a guy I call my older brother and my best friend. This is your chance coming up to make a name for yourself in here. Beat nikky and take his title. I'm sorry but your right I wear my heart on my shoulder bro and I always get hurt. But no more. My heart is black and full of pain. Now its time to let the heart rest and stop hurtting so much inside and out. You of all people know what I'm going through. Dont forget me brother. Remember me for the good times. I'm proud of you for beatting me. See its not you that thinks your better its me and I'm right. I'm just holding you back. You can beat mack for the world championship and promise me you will. Bye bro.

Steve holds the gun looking at it. As he looks up you can see he is crying more then ever.

Steve Weigel - Megan you made me laugh by pronching me on and made me horny too. See I told myself I wouldn't cry here. Your a wonderful women. Both beautiful and smart and you can get any man so dont let nikky treat you bad hunny. The only thing I regert in my career is giving you back to nikky. Because I truely loved you more then you ever know. And dont listen to the people calling you a emo. They are just jealious they cant have you or just jealious they cant be you. Thanks for all the good times sweety and even in death my love for you will go on. Your the only woman who hasn't hurt me trying to. Anyways go on and beat Vikki and show her your the top woman in the federation. Love ya always. Guess this is really My Suicide!

Steve puts the gun to his head as the scene fades to blackness all you hear is a gun shot...

TBC: by no one THE END!

This Layout Was Made For  Steve Weigel  by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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